Doubtful plan of the European Union to avoid migrants | International | news


Brussels –

Voluntary creation of migrant centers on European soil, one of the key proposals of the agreement closed in extremis by the leaders of the European Union (EU) to protect themselves from migrations , faced with the refusal of countries to install them

Under pressure from Italy, which recently closed its ports to ships chartered by oil companies with rescued migrants in the Mediterranean, its partners reached an agreement Friday to protect the borders of the bloc and discourage migrants They are launched on dangerous crossings

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 9 222 dead or missing in the Mediterranean in 2015 last Wednesday, there are 3 dead babies and a hundred missing Friday in a new shipwreck.

Few hours after the adoption of the agreement, doubts began to emerge on how to implement the agreement that also includes n creating landing platforms outside the EU, strengthen the protection of their borders and strengthen cooperation with countries of origin and transit of migrants.

Karline Kleijer, Emergency Manager of Médecins Sans Frontières What countries seem to agree on, is the blockade of people at the gates of Europe (. ..) and the demonization of "goods that help migrants at sea."

The Mediterranean countries demanded more solidarity from their partners to distribute asylum seekers arriving on their shores, but the countries of the former Soviet have always been against, even though an exceptional plan based on quotas was launched between 2015 and 2017.

They won the game. The creation of centers on European soil to differentiate between migrants who are entitled to protection and those who must be returned to their country will be voluntary, as well as hosting refugees from these structures.

a Hungarian country and it will not become a country of migrants, "said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.By the French President, Emmanuel Macron, said that the candidates for the opening of these controlled centers should be the countries of first arrival, but these have already understood that they would not do it.

The Agreement on Migration The Italian Giuseppe Conte, who had threatened to boycott the summit if its demands were not satisfied, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, under the pressure of its coalition partners to control the arrival of migrants on their territory.

Italy n & nbsp; Is no longer alone, "said Conte, while his Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, announced today the closure of its ports all summer to NGOs that help migrants . "NGOs will see Italy on postcards," he said. (I)

9,222 victims
This is the number of dead or missing in the Mediterranean since 2015, according to the IOM

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