Driver died after the frontal accident Valdivia-Paillaco road


Your vehicle was also struck on the back by a truck. 4 other people were injured

The driver of a truck died and 4 people were injured after a violent road accident recorded in the afternoon of this Wednesday, July 4, on the road that connects Valdivia to Paillaco

produced around 18:10, when the driver of a Toyota truck, patent plate SX 8505 and a jeep Ssangyong, plate GD JS 95, collided frontally at the height of the slope El Cero. Subsequently, and by range, a third vehicle, the patent plate GL LL 24, struck the truck

The product of the accident died on the spot the occupant of the truck, identified by the initials A.E.R.F. 38 years old, and 4 other people were injured of different gravity, but without any vital risk.

According to information from Carabineros, the transit will remain suspended until 22:00 hours (estimate) and the vehicles are diverted via alternatives, as Antilhue in the case of those of Valdivia

In the personal workplace of Health, Fire and Carabineros of Valdivia and Paillaco.

TAGS: emergency paillaco ] Valdivia

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