Drunk driver detained who played in an accident that killed two people in Casablanca


Two dead persons left a triple road accident on the F-90 road at kilometer 9 of the commune of Casablanca, where u did not leave the drivers . The quality of the inmate after being found drunk.

Three vehicles collided in the area of ​​the Lagunillas junction, towards Casablanca, in circumstances in which one of the motives attempted to perform a maneuver. The overtaking involved a third car going in the opposite direction.

After the impact of intense energy, one of the cars overturned and another hitting head-on the direction of Algarrobo, explained captain Carlos Reyes. , Chief of the fifth police station of Casablanca.

As a result of the accident the two occupants of the last vehicle were killed, while the occupants of the cars Patients with lesions of varying severity at the Casablanca Hospital.

"The deceased driver did not possess any documents and therefore could not be identified. However, his companion was identified as being ELM As for the driver of the first vehicle, identified as being FOSO, was in custody because his blood alcohol level was 2.85 milligrams ", said the uniformed officer

. The road remains cut off and the Traffic Accident Investigation Section (SIAT) of the Carabinieri of Valparaíso is working to determine the root cause of the incident.

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