Dry eye syndrome may require a corneal transplant



Two out of ten people in the world suffer from dry eye syndrome a condition that, if not treated in time, may require a transplant horny said optometrist Leticia Orozco.

"This is a multifactorial disease that is characterized by decreased tear production or by greater evaporation of the tear film, which causes alteration in visual acuity with potential damage to the ocular surface, "said the expert.

According to records of the Ophthalmology Institute of the County of Valenciana, nine out of ten patients with eye disorders in Mexico suffer from dry eye syndrome.

"If it is not detected and performed correctly, dry eye syndrome may require a corneal transplant, a surgical procedure whereby a damaged cornea is replaced by dry eye. normal, "said the expert.

Among the main symptoms of this disease are burning eyes, excessive tearing, irritated eyes upon waking and the feeling of dust working on the computer, watching television or reading, Orozco explains.

"The important thing is that it affects daily activities, because a person with this disease can be very sensitive to light, itching, itching, which affects their daily activities. such as driving at night or reading, "he said.

He explained that women are more likely to suffer from this disease and that, starting at age 50, people are more at risk or complications due to diseases such as lupus, arthritis, rheumatism and other autoimmune diseases. 19659003] Dry eye is also badociated with the constant use of electronic devices such as the tablet and the # 39, computer because the tear tends to evaporate more easily, as well as to activities .dades that require full attention because the flashing frequency is less.

The specialist explained that a nobody may realize that she is suffering from this affection when she does not see so clearly ", indicating that the tear is not in a state. good conditions, "he said.

He explained that the important thing was to diagnose this disease quickly in order to attack it in time and avoid more serious consequences.

As the symptoms are usually not accurate, the specialist says that it is estimated that around the world, about 300 million people might not be diagnosed at the present time.

"The population does not easily suspect that she has a dry eye because she often thinks that she has excessive tears," he said.

Because of this, many patients often buy a lubricant without knowing which one and this can affect having an effective treatment because "no lubricant can be used to suppress discomfort", has -he declares.

Orozc or noted that patients with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or hypertension were more likely to suffer from this disease as some of their medications altered the production of tears.

Staying in front of the computer or television without blinking can also influence the development of this condition.

Among the prevention recommendations, the optometrist stated that it is essential, in addition to an annual review, to avoid touching the eyes with dirty hands.

Similarly, if you have to work frequently in front of electronic devices, you must try to frequently blink your eyes and use visual corrections such as glbades or contact lenses, and work at a sufficient distance.

"It is essential to continue to flash and, if necessary, to apply artificial tears when using electronic devices or tasks requiring the look, but always advised by ialista" he finished. EFE

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