Dry law in the village of La Tirana for the feast of Virgen del Carmen


Year after year about 250 thousand people attend the city of La Tirana to pay homage to the Virgen del Carmen. The faithful do it in different ways, by car, by bike or even by pilgrimage. Therefore, the month of July is the most elapsed for this city, and throughout the month its streets and neighborhoods are filled with a transit unobserved at other dates.

And to maintain order in these holidays, it is that the carabinieri have commanded 24 hour control services on the A-665 road, to La Tirana from Pozo Almonte and Pica.

The purpose of the inspection is not to allow visitors to bring alcoholic beverages to the city. 19659002] According to the confirmed Soyiquique.cl Major Héctor Cabrera, of the second police station of Pozo Almonte, is the decree number 708 of 2004, which declares a dry zone in the city of La Tirana from 1 to 21 of July of the same to prohibit the consumption and transport of alcoholic beverages.

Violators of the important measure will be violated, will be summoned before the local police court and – surely what will hurt them the most – alcohol will be seized. [19659006] (function (d, s, id) {
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