Duque talks about the crisis in Venezuela in the United States – Government – Politics


After the page on bilateral relations with the United States, President-elect Iván Duque took advantage of his second day tour in Washington to define Colombia's role in hemispheric relations by taking over Casa de Nariño. August 1965

It is largely in the context of a meeting at the OAS with the Secretary General, Luis Almagro, that he called for an end to Unasur and to redoubled efforts to close the spaces The Government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

"To the Secretary, I expressed my desire to strengthen the inter-American system and we must go forward by inviting the withdrawal from our countries of Unasur, an organization that became an accomplice of the Venezuelan dictatorship What we must do is strengthen the OAS and its Democratic Charter as an instrument for the promotion of democracy, "he said at a joint press conference with Almagro after the end of his meeting

. report made by a group of OAS experts who recommended taking the case of Venezuela to the International Criminal Court and will work to bring other states to join this support.

"The region – said Duque – must join in rejecting the Venezuelan dictatorship and using all the diplomatic mechanisms at its disposal.I have already denounced Maduro – before the International Criminal Court (ICC) – and now what we should look for is that other states support these complaints and ask the court to expedite their investigations to determine whether Maduro and others in his regime "[19659006] Almagro thanked Duque for his support and said that "his regional leadership will be decisive for the end of impunity in Venezuela, justice and the return to democracy." [19659007] What it must be done, it is to strengthen the OAS and its Democratic Charter

For the moment, the ICC is conducting a preliminary investigation into Venezuela and has received the report prepared by the OAS under the direction of the Secretary Almagro

No state has brought this plain you directly to the ICC. Duque could be the first to do so, but said that they will work to take a joint position of several presidents of the region.

The elected president also told the secretary that he hoped to have the presence of the OAS in the country in support of the government program that he presented to the Colombians and made it clear that he looks favorably on the presence of the Mission to Support the Peace Process (MAPP) of the OAS in the country.

The MAPP was established under the government of former President Álvaro Uribe as a support to the demobilization process of paramilitary groups and was maintained during the eight years of Juan Manuel Santos.

Currently this unit monitors the risks and threats to peace on the territory, focusing on the effects on the communities and on the accompaniment of the victims' reparation.

On Friday, Mr. Duke met with the director responsible for the US Bureau of National Drug Policy. UU (ONDCP), James Carroll and John Bolton, National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump

The two meetings, he said, were very successful in starting to establish bilateral relations between the two countries. two governments [19659004] He also gave a lecture to the Inter-American Development Bank addressed to Colombians in the Washington metropolitan area and met the director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde.

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