Dutch begins trial to change the age of 69 to 49 years and become a coveted man in Tinder | The society


A new ethical and judicial dilemma initiated the Dutch television presenter Emile Ratelband, who appeared in court in the city of Arnhem (Netherlands) to request ambien 69 years old. to 49.

According to Gelderlander's medium, the man indicated in the indicated place that his claim was valid because rights had already been conferred on human beings on their person or bad.

"We live in a time when you can change your name and bad, why can not I decide my age?", was his approach to court.

In an interview with the aforementioned media, Ratelband said that he felt "like a young god" and that he wished to change his date of birth. , from March 11, 1949 to March 11, 1969.

  Emile Ratelband | Facebook
Emile Ratelband | Facebook

On the other hand, the protagonist of the story said that he had felt discriminated when he was looking for work (he was retired) and was looking for a partner via social networks.

"When I am 69 years old, I am limited.If I am 49 years old, I can buy a new house, drive a different car. I can work more", did he declare.

According to him, doctors would have told him that he "had a body of 45 people," but he added that in apps like Tinder he had no luck with women .

"When I'm in Tinder and I say I'm 69, I do not have an answer. When I'm 49, I'll be in a position of luxury ", commented .

There is no clarity

As described by the BBC media, the Magistrates in charge of the case (three in total). , do not know if there is a loophole to do it.

At the same time, the authorities are not aware of the cause that drove Emile Ratelband to "forget the 20 years of his life".

  Capture | GLD
Capture | GLD

"Who were your parents (during those years) who was this child?", expressed in the opportunity.

According to the aforementioned Dutch newspaper, judges should render their decision within a period not exceeding four weeks.

the man involved warned that he simply wanted to "make the most of life for as long as possible".

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