E-commerce withstands lower consumption


E-commerce has grown more than 50% from one year to the next in recent years, but still does not have a significant stake in total retail sales

While the mbadive consumption fell to 5 % during the last years according to the consultancy Deloitte the e-commerce in Argentina follows in growth in turnover : in 2016 it increased 51 % d u200b u200b one year on the other, while in 2017 the rise was 51 %, with revenues for 156,000 million dollars .

However, the chain electronic has a lot to grow again: accounts in Argentina near 2% of total sales retailers, while in developed countries it has a higher share than 5 %. This is due to two major problems .

On the one hand, the number of banked adults is very small, so the payment with credit cards ] is not so high and there are ways to pay in cash .

On the other hand, the mistrust . While the user has a lot of information that gives security at the time of buy reviews from other users or from fast communication channels such as WhatsApp or Facebook – still do not fully trust in online stores, especially in the security on the use of their personal data .

Regularly, prevails over omnicommerce that is, examines products on the Internet and buys in physical store or vice versa.

However, [ Argentina is one of the countries with greater use of electronic commerce in Latin America . The annual survey of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce ( CACE ), nine out of ten Argentines connected to the Internet never purchased online . And the 50 % never bought during the last six months .

Argentines take into account four pillars at the time of choosing an online store: price means of payment logistics and bank promotions. In this way, the 84 % search discounts and bid, and make sure to be aware of the price; while 54 % states that he chooses the store that offers the most possible .

"The development of infrastructure at the national level is necessary to reduce delivery times and for that it requires the participation of the State Another important aspect is the development of systems that accompany the development of electronic commerce as for example the followed by the purchase at any time, very important for ensure security and reliability ", noted Tobías Noni, responsible for the area of ​​operations at Linio Argentina

of this company, they point out that the promotions of [19659003] have a direct impact on consumption. For example, by offering 12 interest-free installments sales increased to 300 %, with an average ticket pbading from 2,000 to 5,000 pesos .

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