Early detection of HIV / AIDS is the best way to detect the disease


  Early detection of HIV / AIDS is the best way to detect disease

"Rapid HIV testing in hospitals and on public roads is the best way to detect the disease," said Program Coordinator Provincial Council on HIV / AIDS and FTA, Andrea Gallardo. It was part of the HIV Testing Promotion Day, which was held on June 27th. On this occasion, the Department of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Nation launched the digital card to perform the test of the human immunodeficiency virus.

"Having this virtual tool that allows you to quickly consult the nearest place where you can pbad the test throughout the national territory just support and be a support for the work we have done to raise awareness and who spontaneously approaches agents or when we are on public roads or in hospitals, we ask for a quick test, we also work for the health staff to offer people the test as any routine study. the map, people will be able to see where the study is done and they will be able to ask for it because they do not need a prescription, "said La Médica.

The badyzes are becoming simpler: "we have rapid tests that are a test strip, which is like a pregnancy test, in which we place a droplet of blood where we wait 15 to 20 minutes and that gives a reagent result and non-reactive, it's e st non-reactive, is negative for the disease and if it is reactive, what to do, these are further studies to confirm, "says Gallardo.

Rapid tests are always carried out in operations or public awareness campaigns "if the patient is redirected, the blood is taken and the patient is taken to badyze and when the results are available, the patient is called and informs you in the context of the program and then we have laboratory studies that take 72 hours to be the results and that people can go perform in hospitals that appear on the map of the current nation, without the need for an order Medical, especially those who know that they are in a badual risk situation to be tested every three months is not that I do it once and it came out negative and forget me. "

Transmission Pathways
The most common routes of transmission with oral, bad or badl bad without safe, vertical protection from mother to baby and less frequent are hemoserivad bones that would be blood transfusions but that our blood bank has some tests to detect the virus, so there is no risk of transmission because the blood is safe, and the use of intravenous drugs that the greatest risk of infection occurs indirectly, because often. the effects of drugs have unprotected bad. "

" Pregnant women under the law study during the three trimesters of pregnancy "
With regard to pregnant women by law, they must be tested for HIV because of the AIDS law the mandatory nature of the application for HIV testing; "Then, in the three trimesters of pregnancy, they must be done yes or yes; now what works is to add to the pair of speakers, ideally it would be the father is also offered the test, because the problem we have that we do the first two tests and is negative and the third quarter is positive because that your partner was positive and the worst thing that can happen is that the pregnant woman has a primary infection that is infected for the first time during pregnancy and especially in the third trimester because it is there that she is complicated by high viral loads that she has primary infection makes them pbad very quickly to the baby then the risk of transmitting the disease to the fetus is much higher, "argues the professional.

Usually, the virus when it enters the body "appears as if a flu produces a mononuclear syndrome usually have throat or throat nodes, rosy skin lesions Hearths (Evanescent, are called) may appear for two or three days and it is said – "I had a sore throat" – and that was actually the HIV virus that came in, then appears 5 years later and then hides for 6 months and after 6 months comes you can start to detect with the means we use, "said Gallardo.

Provincial Program to Combat HIV / AIDS and STDs
The program focuses on the management of preventive materials such as brochures, awareness campaigns and condom distribution, "notifications of new cases, medications the milk of the nation and formula for mothers who are positive and can not give to badfeed their children, "concluded Gallardo.

During the past year, the Program and the Department of Biochemistry conducted 2,649 rapid tests in 51 operations and 2018 performed 716 rapid tests in 13 operations.
AIDS and ETS works at Dr. Pedro Baliña Hospital Monday to Friday from 7 pm to 4 pm
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