Economist: Venezuela's annual inflation could reach 1 million%


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The annual inflation in Venezuela could reach a million%, said Nathan Lederman, professor of economics at the Metropolitan University of Caracas.

According to the newspaper, it is very likely that Venezuela will end the year "with the highest inflation in the history of Latin America, and one year. of the ten highest in the history of the world. "

"If this behavior is repeated in the rest of the year, we expect inflation to end at around 700,000%, if it continues as in the past, with increases monthly of 20 points compared to the previous trend, it is likely that it will be recorded inflation of at least 1 million% per year, "said Lederman quoted by Infobae.

Since December 2016, the National Assembly publishes monthly figures on inflation, which corresponds to the Central Bank of Venezuela, an entity that has not issued them since 2015.

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For its part, the International Monetary Fund expects Venezuela to close this year with inflation of 13.864% and a 15% decline in its gross domestic product.

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