Education Commission will vote on Thursday school coexistence project, former Safe Classroom | National


Due to the immediate debate on the school coexistence project, the deputies agreed to vote tomorrow Thursday in general at the initiative of the commission of the 39, education of the lower house while Monday, a special session will be scheduled for voting in the room.

Between this Wednesday and Thursday, the Education Commission, will have to listen to the more than 30 guests it is planned to receive in the instance with respect to the debate in general of the project of coexistence in school, ex Aula Segura

The project is the subject of an immediate discussion and the commission of the lower house will vote on the l & # 39; initiative Thursday afternoon.

Due to the urgency, it was also agreed to cite an extraordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies for next Monday in order to meet the deadlines set by the Parliament. executive.

In opposition, again criticized the urgency with which the government intends to debate the initiative even challenging the relevance and supposed support of the citizens it enjoys .

Communist Party (CP) MP Camila Vallejo also pointed out his criticisms against the mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri who was one of the most energetic in his call for rapid legislation in this direction.

"All that is under discussion, Mayor Alessandri could do it immediately, updating the regulation incorporating the issue of carrying weapons," said the PC legislator.

https: //media.biobiochile. cl / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / vallejosaulasegura.mp3

Given the possibility of merging or standardizing this project with another similar initiative that the Commission has also discussed, the Vice-President of National Renovation (RN ), Luis Pardo, He showed the opposite, because in his opinion, they address different topics.

"This project fundamentally changes the procedures to be able to separate, in the rules of procedure, with greater speed," said the pro-government MP.

Position not shared by Socialist Party MP Juan Santana, who criticized the research legislating only on the basis of facts that affect some schools of the municipality of Santiago and the reality of all schools in the country is not addressed.

"I would wait for a discussion and a procedure for this different bill (…) that will also deal with cases of violence that occur in my area, Atacama," said the legislator PS, pointing out that in the region In the north, there is fighting between students for racism, which does not concern the project under discussion.

In addition, MP Santana spoke to the Director of Education, saying that she would like "to be the minister of the whole country and not only of the metropolitan area" .

Regarding the background of the project, the MP from Christian Democrats (DC), Mario Venegas said that it was necessary to clarify certain elements, such as to include the entire community in the sanctions that apply only to the students .

"Expulsions and cancellations of registration are administrative measures and apply only to students, under no circumstances to an agent, teacher or educational badistant," explained the deputy on the CD .

The Minister of Education herself, Marcela Cubillos, who also participated in the proceeding.

"The Senate's plan is to define the behaviors that seriously affect school coexistence and behaviors (…) Some may be performed by people different from the students ," said Minister Cubillos , adding that the sanctioning processes put in place "obviously" were addressed to students.

For the day of this Wednesday, the commission will meet from 10 to 22 hours. : 00 hours to continue the legislative process of the project.

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