Egypt Zoo paints donkeys to get them through zebras


ADN40 – The opening of a zoo inside the International Garden in Cairo, Egypt, has aroused great interest, however, the positive feelings have not lasted long .

A young man named Mahmoud A. Sarhan visited the zoo and he noticed that they painted a group of donkeys with black and white stripes to make them look like zebras.

When he noticed the scam, the young man captured pictures of the animals and decided to publish them when he arrived home. The zoo is denounced for attempting to defraud visitors, but the worst is not cheating, but the animal suffers from being exposed to high temperatures and full of paint, have declared thousands of social network users

. At the present time, the zoo authorities' version was that it was a "fake", but local media interviewed veterinarians who confirmed that it was acting well and truly of a donkey.

In Brazil, a horse riding school of the equestrian society organized an activity for children who attend a summer clbad that offers a white canvas horse and painted with colors, this action has been heavily criticized by users of social networks

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