Eike Batista sentenced to 30 years in prison for corruption


He was accused of paying bribes of $ 16.5 million to a former governor of Rio to obtain public contracts.

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The businessman Eike Batista, became the richest man in Brazil Sentenced by a federal judge in Rio de Janeiro to 30 years in prison and fined of $ 53 million reais ($ 13.9 million) for the crime of active bribery, judicial sources reported yesterday

Accused of paying $ 16.5 million bribes to Sérgio Cabral, governor of Rio between 2007 and 2014, to award public contracts.

According to the Procuratorate, for the payment of these commissions, Batista used a "fictitious" contract simulated the purchase of a gold mine in Colombia by Cabral's men, jailed since November 2016 for creating a "criminal organization" that allowed him to conceal up to $ 100 million in bribes in accounts abroad.

This is the first conviction against the 60-year-old businessman, who became the world's eighth richest man, according to Forbes magazine, and who shared a cell of 15 meters between January and April of last year. squares with six other prisoners accused of deviations related to the bribery scandal at the state oil company Petrobras. Batista was under house arrest

The magistrate said he made the decision because the criminal architecture came from Batista's own company and was "very difficult to detect for the investigative agencies". "For many years, the convict managed to prevent the discovery of these criminal plans," he said.

"He is a person who, despite his affluent financial situation, has raised a high level of fraud." 19659004] Batista's defense has already informed that he will appeal the decision. will appeal to "all instances," said his lawyer, Fernando Martins.

In addition to Batista, the judge sentenced Cabral to 22 years and 8 months in prison for bribery, bribery 39, money and currency evasion, to the wife of Cabral, Adiana Ancelmo, 4 years and 6 months, two former senior officials of the Government of Rio de Janeiro, and an badistant tycoon, Flavio Godinho, 22 years

Batista accumulated until 2010 an estimated US $ 30 billion fortune from mining, oil and gas, and commodities.But a few years ago, the empire it's collapsed due to mismanagement and the international crisis of raw materials.

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