Elections in Mexico: turn left during a historic election


It was so many people that it did not fit with the iconic Estadio Azteca, with a capacity of 100,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of others followed the webcast and it was a global trend like AMLOFEST

The closing of the campaign last Wednesday by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, the main presidential candidate for Mexico according to all the polls, was spectacular. very moving.

Thousands of people chanted: "It's an honor to be with Obrador."

His speech sounded like a speech of swearing

"Our government will respect everyone, but will give preference to the poor . We will do it as always, by conviction, but because in an unequal society like ours, it is almost impossible to achieve peace without justice and well-being, "he said.

This is his third attempt to gain access to the presidency and polls say that That this time I will do it.

The last measures taken before the "electoral fence", a silence of 3 days, give it between 14 and 32 points of 39, advance on its closest competitor.

The second place varies, according to For some, it could be of Ricardo Anaya, appointed by the Por México al Frente coalition, formed by the parties National Action (PAN ), Democratic Revolution (PRD) and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC). [19659002] For others, the official Jose Antonio Meade, of the All for Mexico coalition, formed by the Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), Green Ecologist (PVEM) and New Alliance parties.

But in Mexico, there is no second round Sunday

Great advantage in the polls

This is the first time in Mexico (since 1994, when the electoral preferences are measured ), that a candidate ends the campaign with such a large advantage.

Prediction in The Analysts Agree: Mexicans will vote motivated by anger and discontent with the system represented primarily by the Institutional Revolutionary Parties (PRI) and National Action (PAN)

"If this is confirmed, it seems to me clear that it is a reasoned, democratic vote, of punishment fundamentally to the PRI, but also to the PAN, the parties that have succeeded each other in recent years, They have was completely disastrous, "wrote the writer Jorge Volpi at the BBC Mundo

Difficult years

The writer, who criticized the various governments, evokes the most important problems of Mexico in recent decades. Remember that in 2000 it was the first time that the PAN took over the presidency after 71 years of PRI government

"Although there have been significant advances, Vicente Fox did not finish the next election, in 2006, " fought terribly and with the shadow of fraud behind", the PAN remained in the [19659002] That year, Felipe Calderón and AMLO proclaimed themselves winners

The left-wing candidate called on his supporters to block the Reforma, one of the main avenues of Mexico City, and protested for 45 days

. Elector gave the victory to Calderón with a 0.56% vote advantage.

"The action of President Felipe Calderón was the war against drug trafficking whose direct consequence is the more than 200,000 victims that we have from that moment. "In 2012 with Enrique Peña Nieto, c & # 39; was a "punishment to the Calderón government" thinking that the PRI could return to social peace, he says.

But the violence continues.

"In addition, the emblematic disappearance of the students of Ayotzinapa is pbaded.

On the other hand, many corruption scandals have emerged, badociated with the president himself and a large number of PRI leaders and governors ". 19659002] Thus, the change by which it is voted would be: to fight violence and corruption, in addition to the huge inequality, Volpi says.

Precisely his speech and Politics Against Inequality is the characteristic of AMLO for which he is considered left, says the writer. "On other issues it is very conservative ", he says

Variegated Coalition

The coalition that is likely to bring him to power has a wing left. But it is very broad: there are people from several political parties.

"They are in coalition with the Party of Social Encounter, the Evangelical Court and also with the Labor Party, which even supports North Korea, so many colors who have left politics are not so clearly seen. "

In Mexico, it is very difficult to find parties as left or right, " ideology is very fuzzy "says Javier Oliva Posada, process specialist Electoral elections at UNAM

There are two factors that influence: that the president has a lot of power and that ideologies have been lost in different alliances between different parties, he said. ] Among the AMLO policies closest to the left, he explains that when he was in charge of the Mexico City government between 2000 and 2006, he established the universal pension for the elderly which then he was copied at the federal level.

But the UNAM badyst believes that AMLO had contradictions.

"It did not increase one meter from the subway, it did not invest in public transportation.But, it built a second floor of the ring road (a fast lane) , which benefited the middle clbad who owns cars. "

Choice between continuity and change

In this election rather than choosing between left and right, Voters will choose between continuity and change explains Castaños

AMLO means change

He says AMLO and his government will bet on welfare measures, The flags of the traditional left

However, there is a doubt in the economic policies that will be established if he wins, he says.

"There will be internal tensions in the government team, He believes that progressive measures, such as freedom of badual preference or decriminalization of abortion, will remain in stalemate" because AMLO abandons before allied evangelists . "

On his way to the podium to give his campaign closing speech, AMLO took a photo with a rainbow flag, representing badual diversity, which was very famous.

was considered a symbolic act of approaching this minority, because it was one of the few winks that he did during his campaign.

Already at the helm he excited his followers by being vindictive, naming social fighters "Revolution without violence"

The writer Jorge Volpi emphasizes that for the people who will compose his cabinet "It would seem that the government would be extremely resilient, a more peaceful change than many imagine. But it's something we do not know yet. "

Aimed that the great challenge of AMLO would be the construction of an independent transparent and reliable justice system.

" This is a subject that has left aside and it is the only way out that would guarantee an end to corruption and violence. "

" Good President "

The AMLOFEST ended with AMLO asking for the vote on Sunday.

I confess, a legitimate ambition: I want to be a good President of Mexico " he said at the end of his speech

This desire has led him to argue in the last three presidential campaigns.

to see if the predictions are confirmed and the Mexicans choose him as his next president.







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