Elections in the United States: 8 possible readings of election results – BBC News


The preliminary results of the mid-term elections held on Tuesday in the United States dispelled several doubts about the immediate future of American politics.

Americans voted for lawmakers and federal governors. his opinion in an informal referendum on the presidency of Donald Trump

The first results indicate that there will be no blue tsunami in favor of Democrats.

Although it appears that the House of Representatives regains control that lost in 2010, the Republican Party will maintain its majority in the Senate.

These are some of the conclusions that can be drawn after having seen the first results of the elections.

1. The clearest result: the country is more divided than ever.

After two years in power, Donald Trump again benefited from mbadive support from one part of the country, mostly rural, white and conservative the other half of the country, urban, multicultural and liberal, also voted overwhelmingly against. There is no definitive winner in this election.

Donald Trump is still unstoppable in rural areas of the country and in the conservative south of the United States.

2. If, as many hope, the Democrats take control of the lower house of Congress is confirmed, this impressive polarization will also be reflected in American institutions.

Trump will not be able to pbad a new law. of importance in the rest of its period until the presidential elections of 2020 because the Democrats will block any initiative of the Congress.

3. The Democratic dream of a "blue wave" did not materialize either. ", a sort of democratic counterrevolution against the Trump phenomenon

In this sense, the elections are a great disappointment for American liberalism.

4. Faced with the presidential elections of 2020, the signs indicate a or a very competitive

Trump continues to unleash the wrath of the center of the country, but remains an electoral engine, for example two years of strong opposition on the part of the Democrats

  People vote in Virginia, United States
In some parts of the country traditionally Republican, there seems to be a progressive movement towards the Democratic Party

.5 If the House of Representatives is finally in the hands of the Democrats, the number of investigations directed against Trump, pushed by the legislator over the next two years will be overwhelming, which will make it even more chaotic. the pace of the occupying government of the White House.

6 . In some parts of the country traditionally Republican, there seems to be a gradual movement towards the Democratic Party.

Texas seems to be the most notorious case. In the country's second-largest state, the Democratic Senate candidate, Beto O. Rourke, managed to hold a serious competition against Republican Ted Cruz, which would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Same After after his defeat O 'Rourke seems to have shown that Texas was already a battlefield and not a Republican-only hunt.

Democrat Donna Shalala defeated Miami in a historic Republican bastion.

7. The Republican hegemony of Miami, which for decades was the most powerful political machine of Latinos in the United States, was badly hurt.

Two of the three Cuban Republicans to whom aspired represented r in Miami, in the lower house of the Federal Congress, had lost the elections Tuesday . The Miami anomaly seems to give way to what is happening in the rest of the country, where the majority of Hispanic areas are voting for Democrats.

8. Donald Trump is still unstoppable in. in rural areas of the country and in the southern conservative United States of America.

It is also important to note that several candidates who gave their support, won the "Midwest" Industrial heart of the country, same region as that which entrusted to him the presidency in 2016

This suggests, once again, that the Trump phenomenon is in good health. The re-election of 2020 is closer .


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