Electoral process in Mexico left 152 murders of candidates and political leaders


The Mexican electoral process, which began on September 8, 2017, resulted in 152 badbadinations of political actors, seven of which took place on the same day as the July 1 vote, reported today. the consulting firm Etellekt.

delivery of its seventh report on political violence, the company said that throughout the electoral process 774 attacks were recorded, of which 138 occurred on the day of the vote.

He explained that of the 152 killings of political actors, 28 they were candidates and 20 pre-candidates; in addition to the fact that 133 were men and 19 women

Polling day on July 1 was a summary of the violence of the electoral process since that day there were 138 badaults and seven murders against political actors in 26 states from the country.

This situation "could jeopardize the future personal security of new elected officials and officials primarily at the municipal level," the report concludes.

He said that of the total badaults, 715 were against politicians and 59 against their families. and they occurred in the 32 entities and 440 of the 2,446 municipalities in the country.

In the elections of July 1, a total of 3,406 political positions were at stake in Mexico, including that of the President of Mexico, 628 congressional seats, and the governments of nine states.

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