Elon Musk announces the date of presentation of his futuristic train in Los Angeles | Technology


Controversial tycoon Elon Musk said his high-speed transport system in Los Angeles, Hyperloop – to relieve tacos – will be released on December 10.

The first The stretch will be used initially for testing and the public has to wait to move it.

"The first tunnel is almost finished" Musk said Sunday night on his Twitter account. "Inauguration on December 10th," he added.

The director of the Tesla automobile business, Tesla, said in another tweet that there would be an official event that night and "free trips to the public the next day".

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/ status / 1054164838430064640

The Boring Company the tunnel company created by the entrepreneur of South African origin, encourages the construction of these infrastructures to reduce bottlenecks in major cities.

In Los Angeles, the company presented last May this transport project, which would join the existing metro lines.

The vehicles, a kind of cylindrical capsules, are approached in railway stations at the surface and descend underground through a sort of elevator to join a network of high-speed roads, where they flow magnetically to a speed up to 485 km / h.

They can carry about twenty people each. Users pay a dollar to travel, for example, to the Los Angeles International Airport from the administrative center in less than 10 minutes.

  Archive | Cristina Quicler | Agence France-Presse
Archive | Cristina Quicler | Agence France-Presse

Elon Musk is a prolific creator of innovative companies of all kinds, but especially of transportation.

In addition to Tesla, he founded the space company SpaceX and launched the ambitious project Hyperloop . However, his seemingly impulsive behavior sometimes pushes investors to be cautious.

He was recently forced to resign as chairman of the Tesla board of directors at the conclusion of an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC. He accused him of "fraud" for having declared in a tweet, without providing evidence, having obtained the necessary funds to withdraw his company from the stock market.

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