Elon Musk presents the world's first tunnel to The Boring Company


Although we all know what tunnels look like, Elon Musk was surprised by the length of the journey inside.

SpaceX and Tesla are Elon Musk companies that generally receive all the attention. However, the entrepreneur has other very interesting projects that promise to create the transport of the future. Yes, we are talking about The Boring Company, which has already shown us what the interior of its first tunnel looks like.

Elon Musk was instructed to teach us through a video how to find himself inside the tunnel The company stands under the parking lot of SpaceX's headquarters in Los Angeles. The road, about 3.2 kilometers distant, was quite disturbing for Musk .

Enter the first tunnel of The Boring Company

after showing us how to control the tunnel borer with the command of the Xbox, Elon Musk wanted to follow to show the progress of The Boring Company with a very revealing video . Be careful because you will be able to enter the first high speed tunnel with which the company wishes to change transport.

We already know that the opening of the tunnel will take place on December 10, that is to say that it will be held at the corner of the street. corner We hope that users will not feel the same feeling as Elon Musk after the trip, because the businessman said that it is "d & # 39; 39, a troubling length ".

In these 30 seconds, we can discover Hawthorne, name given to the tunnel in reference to the region where the journey begins. Although the speed does not seem high, we must remember that the idea of ​​The Boring Company is that the cars reach 250 kilometers at the time .

Once the society has built more tunnels, the roads will be connected and citizens will be able to travel from one end of the city to the other in just a few minutes . In addition, The Boring Company will also allow people to walk or cycle in these tunnels.

Before looking to the future, Musk first wants to check the operation of this 3.2 km route. It will be from December 10, the day the authorities will test the operation of this model of transport. This will be the start of a very promising project that still has a long way to go.

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