Elon Musk reveals that he plans to settle on Mars


Elon Musk announced that there was a good chance that he personally went to Mars on one of his spacecraft before dying.

And although he recognized that there was a great risk in satisfying this desire, he said he was very interested in this project. Be part of one of these missions.

The founder of Tesla, 47, said there are several millionaires interested in visiting the Red Planet, although he claimed that some considered this trip as a fantasy but it will be the opposite. since there will be little free time and life on Mars will be very complicated.

Musk said in an interview with Axios on HBO that he was very serious in his comments and that he did not even rule out the possibility of moving on this planet even knowing that " was very likely to die on Mars.

The businessman specified that this trip could be possible in about seven years, that is to say by 2025 besides the price will be "a few hundred thousand dollars," something that is not available to anyone.

Elon warned that those who plan to make this trip to experience a fun experience are totally wrong, because those who make the trip will be working tirelessly to build the base, so it ensures that there will not be much time left for recreation.

SpaceX plans to carry out its first cargo transport mission on Mars from here 2022. The objective will be to confirm if there are water resources, identify the main risks and install infrastructures capable of providing energy.

The second mission, with crew and cargo, is scheduled for 2024, although some members of the scientific community have criticized Musk's plan to colonize Mars, because of NASA's report in August of this year. to live in the red planet is almost impossible with the technology available today.

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