Elon Musk tests the "capsule" that could eliminate Thai children


Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has posted on his Twitter account what looks like a prototype small capsule to carry someone small, which could be used to rescue Thai children trapped in the cave.

Musk wrote on his Twitter account how they plan to help bring out Thai children.

"(We have received) good comments from the experts of the caves in Thailand.Speaking of a spare capsule design that could be safe enough to try.Also build an inflatable tube with chambers to There is less chance of working, because of the complicated contours, but it is excellent if it is done, "says Musk.

Some good expert comments from the caves in Thailand. Iterate with them on a backup lug design that could be safe enough to try. Also build an inflatable tube with airlocks. Less likely to work, given the delicate contours, but super if it is the case

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 7, 2018

In another tweet, Elon Musk says that & # 39; 39, he continued to receive comments for his project

"I have received other excellent comments from Thailand.The main road is basically a small submarine the size of A child who uses as a helmet the liquid oxygen transfer tube of the Falcon rocket.Light enough to be carried by two divers small enough to cross narrow spaces, "says the man.

The primary path is a small, child-sized submarine using the Falcon rocket liquid oxygen transfer tube as a hull, light enough to be carried by 2 divers, small enough to through narrow spaces Extremely robust

– Elon Musk (@ elonmusk) July 7, 2018

In another post, you can see a video where two divers simulate maneuvers between a narrow pbadage.

Simulating maneuvers through a narrow pbadageway pic.twitter.com/2z01Ut3vxJ

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 9, 2018

You can also read: The rescue of children trapped in the cave in Thailand begins

Four of 12 children trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand were saved Sunday after a group of divers embarked on a dangerous mission to release the group of schoolchildren and their football coach, who have been trapped for more than two weeks.

The rescue operation of the eight children – some of them only 11 years old – who remain trapped and the coach was suspended at dusk until the next day. Monday, to give divers time to replenish the oxygen supply and ensure that preparations are complete.

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