Emergency evacuations from Natales to twins infected with the syncytial virus


G Emelas of two months were evacuated from Puerto Natales to the Clinical Hospital of Magallanes because of a serious clinical picture due to syncytial virus infection.

The cubs belong precisely to the high-risk segment of the population. being premature babies of 30 weeks of gestation (they were born on May 11th of this year).

Due to the complications that they presented yesterday after 14 hours, the small Constanza, was taken in arms by her mother Tania Osorio aboard a plane Aeropias Dap. When she arrived at Magallanes Clinic Hospital, she was diagnosed with pneumonia, admitted to the pediatric unit, where she is stable.

Meanwhile, after 5:00 pm, it was confirmed that the other twin, Mayra, was infected with the same virus. , evacuated by road, by ambulance, from Puerto Natales, in the arms of his father, Víctor Cárdenas.

Deep Malaise

The mother of the girls, Tania Osorio, expressed her discomfort at the poor attention they received at the Augusto Essmann Hospital in Puerto Natales.

He reported that on Friday, July 27, he had taken his daughters to the hospital because they were in a curse, claiming that Constanza had a blue skin color due to lack of oxygen . present in older cases) and its ribs were sunk.

In the emergency department of the natal hospital, the duty doctor diagnosed a nasopharyngitis, so he sent him to the doctor.

On Sunday, she returned to the Natales hospital, where she underwent several tests and was informed that she was infected with the syncytial virus, so that her two daughters were hospitalized in a department. of isolation

. 17:00, from the door an official me handed a syringe with paracetamol so that I give it to my daughter, "he recalled.The hospital also had no food for his little girl or cleaning products, so she had to take them home. "I cleaned my daughter's nose and told the doctor how it was possible that the hospital would not have it. there was no milk to feed her and that the hospital officials had to take care of her and not of me. Before this situation I asked him for the transfer and he replied that my daughter had something sweet and that it was not for a transfer. "

Constanza was seen by a doctor who took X-rays and told the mother Tania Osorio said that she was very disappointed with the care provided at the Puerto Natales Hospital, which n & # 39; There is no tool to cure premature babies … "I had to bring my daughter into my arms when she had to be evacuated to an incubator," she said. Regarding Mayra, she said that after being diagnosed with the syncytial virus, they did not want to evacuate her either.Also the doctor told her husband that she had no she objected to signing her medical discharge and that she saw by what means she was going to Punta Arenas In response to this, the governor Ana Mayorga intervened to carry out her evacuation.

Tania Osorio stressed that facing the events unhappy occurred at the natal hospital, it was expected that things would change and that they prenn Better care for premature babies. "Today, I try to be strong for my daughters who need me. If I do not feel well, my daughters will not be good either. "

The Augusto Essmann Hospital has not yet overcome the interrogation that was the subject of the death of the small Diego Ignacio Torres Pérez, of 8 months, occurred on Sunday, July 15, son of two officials of said health center, also affected by the syncytial virus.


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