Emergency in Indonesia: Increases the number of deaths from the 16 earthquake


Indonesian authorities on Monday raised the death toll from 1945 to 16 and wounded to 355 by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake and the aftershocks that rocked the tourist island of Lombok on Sunday and provoked The spokesman of the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, said at a press conference that about people were to be accommodated in shelters ] after the collapse of their homes and fear of more than 120 aftershocks recorded.

One of the deaths is of Malaysian nationality and the rest are Indonesians who died when they collapsed the structures where they were located in the north and northeast of the island.

The earthquake occurred Sunday morning caused serious damage in seven schools, five hospitals and 22 religious centers but not In general, the infrastructure of roads, electricity and telecommunications.

The earthquake could also be felt in the neighboring islands of Bali, west of Lombok and main tourist destination of the country, and in Sumbawa, east of the hypocenter. fatal victim of Malaysian nationality a 30-year-old woman died when the building where she was staying collapsed and planned to climb, with other mountaineers, the Rinjani volcano.

On the active volcano, more than 650 people remained trapped including at least 150 foreigners, after the access was cut by avalanches and one of the bridges that served from entrance to the area was damaged.

Sutopo said the Indonesian authorities are conducting evacuation operations on Monday.

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