Emergency Public Policies Facing Stroke


In a recent seminar organized by the Congress of the Future
On the subject of LCA, Minister Santelices pointed out that one of the actions
that your portfolio will develop to deal with this emergency, is the implementation of
Telemedicine Indeed, one of the most important problems in most
hospitals is the lack of technology needed to
diagnose patients adequately through pictures. The
Telemedicine can help a lot to solve this part of the problem.

But it is insufficient. A race episode requires several more
critical elements to face you, starting with a
pre-diagnosis in the emergency, allowing a quick response from all
system. It is well known that in an event of this nature, millions of
neurons every minute. Then specialized units are indispensable for
take care of these cases. And finally, setting up a treatment too
he must be very fast.

In the majority of hospital care centers in Chile,
the conditions are in place for this to happen. Also, if you give
conditions, all available treatments are not guaranteed. In
public facilities, only intravenous thrombolysis is envisaged,
It can be very effective, but it does not always work. The alternative to this, the
mechanical thrombectomy practiced almost exclusively in private clinics.

For all these reasons, it is urgent that Chile begin a dialogue
serious and responsible to take charge of this serious health problem, which
implies a fiscal expansion to cope with it and greater coverage
guarantee systems.

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