Emirates arrives in Chile: company offers special fares for flights from Santiago to Dubai | Economy


Boeing 776-200LR was the first aircraft of Emirates Airline arrived at Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport of Dubai . The flight, which had an occupancy of 80% of its capacity, marked a precedent and an expansion of the airline in Latin America.

Emirates Airline celebrates 11 years in the region with flight services for tourists and freight transportation to different companies.

Brazil was the first country to offer its market to the airline, because of the size of its economy and the companies that are emerging with the Middle East. The South American giant, through Sao Paulo, has managed to become the first Latin American headquarters of the flight company.

The arrival in Chile

In previous conversations and negotiations with the commercial management of the national airport, entity that was to ensure good conditions for the company – despite its ability already Limited – the airline arrives on the Chilean market with 5 flights a week via Sao Paulo to Dubai.

  Emirates | MG Consulting
Emirates | MG Consulting

Hubert Frach, Vice President of Commercial Operations of Emirates stated that "Santiago is a very popular leisure and business destination, and a new service will be offered to all our customers through our network. Overall, especially in the major receptive markets, such as the Far East, the Middle East and West Asia. "

" We have seen the interest of many businessmen and tourists coming to Chile. Without a doubt, the sustainable economy offered by the country and the beauty of its landscapes are the 2 main reasons for its strong demand, "commented at the press conference, Scott Lantz, director of the Emirates Airline for Latin America and the Caribbean .

The chief executive does not rule out that in the near future domestic flights will be offered direct flights to Dubai . "It's in our plans, the idea is to be able to achieve this service soon, but for now via Sao Paulo is the only option."

Lantz estimates that the demand for flights will be positive, although they expect a decline in August, but the return of the next few months will be beneficial for the company. "We hope to end the year with 120 flights and maintain an annual average of 250" highlights

Tourism Incentive

At the conference and ceremony to celebrate the year. arrival of Emirates Air in the presence of the Undersecretary of Tourism, Mónica Zalaquett who sees positively the arrival of the company in our country , and already ensures that the national tourist will be more interested in visiting the UAE. ] Emirates | MG Consulting "width =" 600 "height =" 399 "clbad =" size-full wp-image-3767758 "/>

United Arab Emirates MG Consulting

" Not only will Chileans be encouraged to visit from other places in the world, but we will also perform work to stimulate the arrival of Dubai tourists to our country. We will generate attractive tourism products for the Asian market, "said the undersecretary.

Tourism in Chile has grown steadily in recent years, with 5.6 million international visitors arriving in the country in 2016, compared to 4.43 million in 2015.

The experiences offered to visitors range from: gazing at the stars in the driest desert in the world, millennial glaciers in the most southern part of the planet, Enchanted forests and lakes at the foot of huge volcanoes.

In the United Arab Emirates, pbadengers traveling with Emirates can book a Dubai Escale package that will allow them to stay in Dubai for a few days en route to the United States. One of the 160 destinations. Chilean citizens do not need a visa when they visit Dubai .

Visitors can also enjoy the beaches, Family-friendly hotels, theme parks and even ski slopes at the Mall of the Emirates. Touring in the fourth most visited city in the world, Dubai is known for its eclectic mix of offers, from futuristic architecture to vibrant traditional culture.

Finally, it is expected that with the opening of this new flight, increase the arrival of Brazilian tourists, especially in the third quarter of the year.

To celebrate the launch of the Santiago service, Emirates offers special rates for Dubai. Pound between July 6 and July 31 an Emirates flight to Dubai from $ 1,199 in economy clbad and $ 4,439 in business clbad *

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