Emotet, the virus that ravages spam campaigns


Experts warned users Thursday about the presence of virus called Emotet used to steal confidential data from individuals and institutions.

The boss The research laboratory of computer security company ESET Latin America, Camilo Gutiérrez, pointed out that this virus is "a threat of botnet type, which seeks to steal information on the device of the user ".

"It will be stealthy and it will be difficult for the user to detect malicious behavior if he does not check the network traffic, CPU consumption of different applications and other features", said Gutiérrez in a statement.

The company reported that Costa Rica had already detected at least 100 alerts regarding this virus since the previous week . She called for prevention. In all Central America.

This virus is a family of banking Trojans distributed through spam campaigns using various disguises to make their malicious attachments legitimate and detailed ESET.

The company has recommended users maintain security systems on their computers, update applications and remain aware of this type of virus.

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