Employment is down between July and September,


The year-over-year rate increase is explained by an increase in the labor force (0.9%) relative to the number of people in employment, which increased by 0.5% during the year. of the last year.

A little bit of air for the job market. The National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported that the unemployment rate in was 7.1% for the July-September moving quarter which implies an increase of 0 , 4 percentage points over 12 months and a reduction of 0.2 tenths from the previous quarter. This figure is under the consensus of 7.2% forecast by badysts.

According to the statistical entity, the rise in unemployment is explained by an increase in the labor force . (0.9%) on employed persons (which increased by 0.5% in the last year). This means that once again, there are more people looking for a job than those who get one.

In the last year, the number of persons employed increased by by 0.5%, which equates to 42,890. Persons having a new job . Of course, the number of unemployed has increased by 6.6% over the last year, in the hands of the unemployed (6.1% of last year's growth) and people looking for 39, a job for the first time (11.6% in 12 months).

Self-employed workers grew by 0.2% per job category in the labor market, while private sector employees increased by 1.1% (49,000 jobs). In the public sector, public sector employees grew by 5.6% over the period, adding 53,000 jobs during this period and leading to expansion among the categories.

Employers, on the other hand, contracted. 9.5% in the past year, eliminating 35,000 positions.

By gender, women had an unemployment rate of 7.4%, a five tenths decrease from the previous quarter, but an increase of the same magnitude last year, while men, the decline was two-tenths compared to June-August, reaching 6.8%, but the increase was of the same order of magnitude compared to July-September last.

Sectors and Regions

In terms of economic factors, the largest increase in employment comes from information and communications, with 13,000 new jobs over the period (9.3% increase), followed by accommodation and food services (24,000 places) and 7%) and mines, with an increase of 6.6% and 12,000 new jobs in the last year. Teaching contributed 28,000 places during the period, a variation of 3.9% compared to last September.

On the other hand, the greatest job destruction was recorded in the sector Activities of the Homes as Employers, which saw the disappearance of 26,000 jobs (down 7.5%) ] followed by water services (15,000 fewer jobs and a 26.4% drop in 12 months) and administrative services activities. Support (less than 12,000 quotas and contraction of 6% last year).

Among the major elements of the economy, Commerce has reduced its quotas by 8,000 over the last year, a decrease of 0.5%. while mining and construction created 12,000 and 15,000 jobs respectively in the past year.

At the same time, unemployment rose in nine of the 15 regions of the country in the past year, the highest increase recorded in Los Ríos (2.3 points to 6.1%) and the largest decrease in Los Lagos (2.1%) units at 3.4%). The highest unemployment rate is recorded in Tarapacá with 8.5%, followed by Antofagasta (8.4%) and Atacama (8.2%). At the other extreme are Magallanes (3%), Aysén (3.1%) and Los Lagos.

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