Employment, number one priority – Diario Financiero


  Father Hugo Tagle

Father Hugo Tagle

Among the first priorities, if not the most important today, is the promotion and improvement of the field of work. In these few weeks have closed three medium – sized businesses and others, so that they read in the press, are dangerously barely above the waterline. It is not necessary to be alarmist, but as a citizen on foot, I worry about the field of work because it is the livelihood of thousands of people, after what are the families that live on this salary? Dignified work, it is the best antidote against delinquency, vagrancy, illness, depression and loneliness.

Creating a job is one of the noblest activities that a person can do in his life. Ask yourself, "Who did I give work to in my life?" From a professional, he is expected, rather than "looking for work," who believes him. Some time ago, a list of former officials came out asking them what they were. Very little in the "chimney companies". A lot of advice and bureaucracy. It would have been interesting for them to enter fully to share their great experience in the field of real production, creating wealth.

We must support those who give work more resolutely. 80% of the workforce in Chile is given by companies with fewer than 20 workers. Well, to listen to them, learn from them, support them. And support initiatives. Whoever studies four years or more is supposed to have an entrepreneurial mindset, who is ready to start something new. At the same time, make the field of work more flexible. The world is going there.

Pope Francis, during his visit to Chile, praised the resilience of our people. Indeed, the goal is not to fall: we must go back. "I've lost nearly 300 games, they've given me twenty-six times the winning shot and I've failed." I've failed again and again in my life and I've been in trouble. that's why I managed, "said Michael Jordan, a former professional basketball player. There is no need to fear failure in the workplace. What we must fear is not to risk the weakness of our will.

Pope Francis has said so many times. "The premise is: the world of work is a human priority and, therefore, it is a Christian priority because it comes from the first commandment that God gave Adam:" Go, make it grow the earth, works the earth, dominates it. "There has always been a friendship between the Church and work, starting from the worker Jesus, where there is a worker, there is # 39; interest and look of love of the Lord and the Church. "

Let's not talk anymore. We can soon say that employment has increased significantly.

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