Engie gets 50% of electric taxis offered by MTT to operate in RM


Engie receives 50% of electric taxis proposed by MTT to operate in RM

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Economy and e-commerce

Future Value

As part of the call for The Seremi de Transportes, to install 60 radiotaxis in the metropolitan area, Engie Chile has been awarded 50% of the vehicles tendered, thus becoming the main arbiter of this operation, being the only actor in the world. energy industry who participated in this contest.

"We are the main arbiter, which reflects our commitment to promote electromobility in Chile At Engie worldwide, we have extensive experience in the energy market but also in the This allows us to have a competitive advantage over other players.We understand the business opportunities that are presented to us, and thanks to our experience, we will set up the 30 electric taxis that we were awarded to operate in the metropolitan area and promote such important and necessary technology for the decontamination of cities, "said Rodrigo Snchez, head of green mobility at Engie Factory, an innovative subsidiary of Engie [19659007]. The call for bids is part of the strategy that Engie is promoting nationally and internationally to promote clean and zero-emission technologies.

Currently, the group is present in public transport operating electric buses to Transantiago; in private transport; with a network of 28 loading points in Santiago and in the regions, which should reach 100 points by 2019; and is also involved in a process of incorporating 100 additional electric buses to integrate the Trasantiago fleet. In addition, the group recently presented a tranva project at the airport, which has already been declared of public interest and is under study by the Ministry of Public Works

"We We want to keep moving forward and explore new opportunities.To promote more and more intelligent and sustainable cities, we now have more than 20 streetcar projects worldwide, such as Pars, In addition to the 50,000 charging stations distributed in over 100 cities worldwide, the international experience shows that ENGIE does things well "seal snchez.

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