Entel Chile and Ericsson tested the 5G with 24.7 Gbps data transfer


Image: Nathan E. Photography / Flickr

Entel Chile and Ericsson performed a 5G test and reached a speed of 24.7 Gbps, a record in Latin America. The 5G test bench was used in millimeter band at the frequency of 28 GHz.

The presented solution considered base stations and prototypes of 5G devices, including antennas in the transmitter and transmitter, MIMO MIMO distributed multi-users and beam tracking, said the University of Chile in a statement. The tests were conducted at the headquarters of the physical and mathematical sciences of this educational entity.

Chile appears as one of four countries in the region, with Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay, candidates to be pioneers in technology at a time. Deployments as early as adoption. Ericsson and Entel had already announced in October the extension of a previous agreement with the aim that the "operator" be prepared in the move towards 5G ".

"This technological leap will open up possibilities that can not yet be fully scaled in. Customers will be able to take advantage of new applications, such as augmented reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative IoT applications. We hope the 5G will be launched on the global market in 2019 and that this test is another step to prepare Chile for the next generation of mobile technologies, "said Ericsson South America President, Nicolás Brancoli.

the BCN2018 LATAM Summit, that Latin America presents some points in favor of the transition to new technology: to the benefit of not being avant-garde and learn from this happens in the advanced sites, we add that the network elements that LTE already has, so that the change will be faster and less expensive.In this context, the 5G should become a real in the region two years after the first global launch.

Tags: 5GachenteChileEntelEricssonLatinoaméricapruebas

  Nicolás Larocca

– Nicolás Larocca, Editor at TeleSemana .com

Nicolás Larocca is a senior technician in journalism (TEA) and integrator locator (ISER). During his professional career, he worked in various radio, digital and graphic media as a content producer, publisher and badyst. He has expertise in internal communication, sports, banking and insurance and specializes since 2013 in the telecommunications market at the regional level.

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