Entrepreneurship, an alternative with which young people move the development of Latin America


June 29, 2018 – 23:45
2018-06-29 By:

El País Editor

At least 600 young people from Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru met in the same place to share their experiences in entrepreneurship and sustainability of work, at the Third Meeting of the Pacific Young Alliance

The event was held at the Events Center of the Valle del Pacífico, organized by the national government, Nestlé Colombia and 41 companies of the Agreement on the Employability of Youth. ] Entrepreneurship for Change
To date, more than 11,000 youth have already benefited from the Pacific Alliance Youth Employment Agreement.

Neyder Gómez is a 19-year-old Putumayense who is one of these young people. He managed to erase the consequences of war and coca in his department.

"Ten years ago, an idea was born with my father and the community, and put an end to the damage that illicit crops caused us, which is why we decided to replace coca crops with pepper, cocoa, organic crops that have benefited us a lot in this region that has suffered so much illicit crops, "he said.

See also: Third Meeting of Pacific Alliance Youth in Cali.

It was so viable to replace coca crops with organic products, which managed to structure a producer organization in Putumayo
"We created a non-profit organization. In total, we have 480 families who have benefited from this initiative, "says the young man

In addition to this, Neyder finds in the company a motivation that materializes in a book that he wrote himself where it is said that

  Third meeting of the Pacific Youth Alliance Juan Manuel Santos

The event was attended by President Juan Manuel Santos, the governor of the valley, Dilian Francisca Toro and the mayor of Cali, Maurice Armitage The governors applauded the fact that the government of Switzerland was part of this meeting of young people.

Raúl Palacios / El Pais

"Now I am with the mission e I did not dream of being a lecturer in my department, I took it to the Putumayo Neyder Gómez for the first time

Nevis Cadena, a native of Nariño Department, said that the book of entrepreneurship, entitled "The Road to Success", was well received, in three months I got the author right. about your entrepreneurship project.

"What we do is the purchase, processing and production of products like arazá, rosary, plum, borojó which are very rare fruits within the We are seeking to create new legal alternatives in the territory that allow the community to go forward, "he said.

At the same time, he said that his participation in this third youth meeting is important, "because we share with colleagues who have bigger projects and experiences to counter the problems," he said. .

For his part, Cali's economic development secretary, Julián González Juri, described as relevant and important the realization of this event in the city.

"It is important because it generates an articulation that is necessary for the labor market to work and be dynamic, in Cali we do it through the municipal employment system," said the official. .

According to the organizers of the third youth summit of Alianza Pacífico, the goal of the Youth Employability Agreement is to provide 30,000 jobs to young people in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and in Peru until 2020.

Speech of Santos

During his visit to the Youth Summit Pacific Alliance, President Juan Manuel Santos He referred to the youth of these four countries stating that:

"Young people need to embrace the great themes of the Pacific Alliance, and at the same time he said that" channeling the Alliance in the best possible direction is that we can do better, "said President The President

" Young people should be the fundamental goal of the Pacific Alliance What & # 39; 39, a young man wants? What are his worries and hopes? It's the exercise we want to do in the Alliance to be able to respond to our young people in the best possible way, "adds the Head of State.

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