Epic Games explains the problems of Playground LTM


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The LTM Playground in Fortnite is so popular that the developers want the mode to be permanent . But at launch, he encountered serious difficulties. When it was launched on June 27, the royal game servers collapsed due to the influx of players. But he restarted after a few days. Now, Epic Games has decided to tackle exactly what happened when he tried to launch the first time.

As explained by Epic, Fortnite uses a "Service creation of matches (MMS)" to match players with open games. However, Epic explained that Playground doing games for four instead of 100 has run 25 to 100 times more games than usual. Epic added, "While we were able to pack virtual servers a bit more by physical CPU for Playground mode, we still had to use 15 times more servers than we had worked for the other modes. able to ensure the total capacity of the server, but it meant that the list that each node had to administer was also 15 times longer. "

Fortnite Playground LTM

  Fortnite Playground LTM Epic concluded its post-discussion mortem by revealing that he has learned a lot about his MMS system. Since then, he has finally deployed the LTM Playground region by region to compensate for the mbadive influx of players. Despite the mbadive demands of Playground LTM. Epic still seems ready to bring him back soon after he leaves Battle Royale on July 12th.

After all, the LTM is ideal for players who need time to improve their skills and avoid the test experience. mistake to participate in a game after the other. In addition, the fans were able to make some awesome creations like the favorite Black Ops card of the fans, Nuketown .

Meanwhile, as players await the return of the Playground Mode, there is still much to be enjoyed in Season 5. At this point, players can participate in a special event celebrating the return of the Playground Mode. first anniversary of Fortnite or try new challenges, but

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, Xbox One and iOS devices. An Android version is planned for the summer of 2018.

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