Erdogan close to involving a Saudi prince in the Khashoggi case


Turkey approaches to impute the culpability of the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi to the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman the young and powerful leader of the party whose ambitions of a modernized Saudi Arabia have been undermined by its desire to make enemies at home and abroad.

In his highly anticipated speech on Tuesday, it coincided with the launch of what was to be an important forum for investment. In Riyadh, the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan rejected the changing versions of Khashoggi's badbadination at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. Erdogan, who did not mention the prince, appealed to his father, the king Salman bin Abdulaziz to hold those responsible accountable, regardless of their position.

Turkish official informed Turkey's strategy and demands in this case could be understood as a veiled reference to the 33-year-old royal family member, who is the real power behind the Saudi throne . Turkey is pressuring the Saudis to clarify what really happened at their consulate by launching a carefully managed campaign of leaks in the media that undermined Saudi versions of the story. , while suggesting that Turkey knows exactly what happened.

"The ultimate goal of Erdogan is to inflict maximum damage to Mohammed bin Salman, which implies the total elimination or at least the reduction of his control over the political foreign ", said Amanda Sloat . Principal investigator at the Brookings Institute in Washington and former US State Department officer. "As there are limits to what Turkey can achieve alone, Ankara is likely to wait for Trump and / or the Saudi king to act."

MBS: the "modern prince" became the terror of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia He recently declared that Khashoggi, prominent critic of the prince, had been killed as a result of a " discussion "at the consulate during a fight. This version has been challenged by world leaders, including President Donald Trump. And the Saudi investment conference was uncoordinated after dozens of business executives and finance executives around the world canceled their aid.

The Balance of Power

In his speech to the legislator in Ankara, Erdogan praised respect for 82-year-old Salman King, calling him the protector of the holiest places from Islam and claiming that he trusted Salman's sincerity to get to the bottom of things. The fact that he did not mention the Crown Prince, according to a Turkish official, was an indication that he did not consider the 33-year-old man as his political counterpart.

Power dynamics are at stake in Saudi Arabia and the region. The incident, in particular, sparked new questions about the methods and character of Prince Mohammed, who was able to conquer powerful enemies both at home and abroad thanks to his relentless consolidation of power and its willingness to project Saudi political and military power.

Perhaps none of them is more ambitious and ambitious than Erdogan, who has been overseeing the region's largest economy for over 16 years, and has challenged Saudi royalty to take a global leadership position Muslim Erdogan's appeal has made him a hero for Islamic political groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, who are considered by many leaders in the Arab world as the greatest threat to national security.

They found parts of Khashoggi's body in the president's house. Arab Consul

Generalities Involved

As a result of a series of strategic media leaks by anonymous officials, it was said that Turkey had evidence that Khashoggi had been tortured and dismembered by Saudi Assbadins who flew in private planes. On Tuesday, Erdogan said the team that had arrived in Istanbul aboard three separate aircraft also included generals.

"We have strong indications that this murder was not caused by a sudden incident, but by us, a planned operation," Erdogan held the AKP party legislators at power at a meeting in parliament. All officials, including those at the top, must be brought to justice, he said. Accusing the killing of "some security and intelligence officials" will not convince anyone, he added.

The Saudis promised Tuesday not only to prosecute the guilty parties, but also to "take corrective measures," the Saudi news agency reported. citing the weekly statement of the cabinet that did not provide more details.

The leaks hinted that Turkey has recordings that are used to obtain concessions from wealthy saudians, while undermining the kingdom's claim to be a reliable partner for the West.

Requests for Dismissal

Some former supporters, including Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, openly demand that Prince Mohammed be removed from office. Proponents of Prince in Saudi Arabia claim that he has absolute control of the situation.

It will depend a lot on Trump's position, which began to falter in its initial inclination to accept the now discredited Saudi version of events. On Monday, he sent CIA director Gina Haspel to Turkey to evaluate Turkish news in Khashoggi's investigation. The Turks have privately warned that Washington might embarrbad the people if Trump's mandate was supposed to help whiten the circumstances of Khashoggi's death.

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