Ericsson and Entel present 5G networks in millimeter band


Yesterday at an activity planned at Beauchef 850, at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Chile, Ericsson in collaboration with Entel and the Department of Electrical Engineering (DIE), l was performed during the first South American demonstration of 5G technology in the 28GHz millimeter band.

During the presentation an average speed was observed that reached 25Gbps, including some accidental maximums of 26.8Gbps and some claim that they saw about 27Gbps . But the truth is that it has remained stable at the speeds expected by the companies that promote it.

The proposal presented by Ericsson consisted of a set of technologies that include mbadive MIMO beamforming MIMO distributed, MIMO multi-user and followed by beam . Achieve the speeds described above and very low latency during the presentation.

After the test, Nicolás Brancoli, President of Ericsson South America reported that:

The test we did in Chile is very relevant to what comes with 5G technology. This technological leap will open up possibilities that it is not yet possible to fully sizing. Customers will enjoy new applications, such as Augmented Reality and 4K video streaming, and industries will benefit from innovative applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), such as intelligent transport and Internet. remote medical badistance, which will create great opportunities We hope that 5G technology will be launched on the market in 2019 worldwide, and this test is another step to prepare Chile for next-generation mobile technology [19659008] What is a millimeter band (mmWave)?

] The concept that defines a millimetric band is the length of the wave. That is why, before entering the topic in question, let 's unpack some wave concepts that taught us in physics.


In the picture we can see that the wave l is the distance that develops between peaks (maximum) or valleys (minimum) of a wave . For its part, the frequency is the amount of these wavelengths – or the number of cycles – that occur per second .

Well, it makes sense that more often than not it is necessary that the wavelength is smaller, so, mmWave (millimeter bands) refers to the measurement of the length of time. wave in millimeters ranging from 10mm to 1mm and which is established, approximately between the frequencies of 25 and 300 GHz.

The Federal Communications Commission of the United States (FCC) has authorized the use of the 28, 37 and 39 GHz bands to operate the 5G through an authorized use. That is why the test developed by Ericsson was carried out in the 28GHz band

The following table shows the spectrum of radio frequencies:

Band No. Range Frequency Name Depends on Length Name According to frequency
4 3 to 30 kHz Miriammetric VLF (very low frequency)
5 30 to 300 kHz Kilometric Low Frequency LF)
6 300 to 3,000 kHz Hectometry MF (Medium Frequency)
7 3,000 to 30,000 kHz Deconditioners [19659021] HF (high frequency)
8 30 to 300 MHz Metric VHF (very high frequency)
9 300 to 3,000 MHz UHF UHF (ultra high frequency)
] 3000 to 30 000 MHz Centimetric SHF (microwave frequency)
11 30 000 to 300 000 MHz Millimeters EHF (Very High Frequency)
12 300,000 to 3 000 000 MHz decimilimetric
Source of the table: ULHI

The maize of a millimeter band …

The waves mmWa ve got a problem related to the 39, atmospheric attenuation that is to say that atmospheric gases, moisture and the same rain can greatly affect the performance and quality of the wave signal . Even if the rain can affect it, mbadive objects such as walls of houses and buildings, even trees can block the signals. That is why they are talking about direct line travel to the destination .

This type of wave is short-range, can travel up to 1km without losing its characteristics, and is designed to give high-speed wireless access to homes without having to access a physical fiber optic connection .

direct line of sight?

Direct Vision Line, also known by its acronym in English as LOS ( Line Of Sight ), simply refers to the fact that the communication between the antennas must not, as far as possible, exhibit interference with a mbadive object.

In the previous image, you may also see another very used term, NLOS ( No Line of Sight ) which corresponds to a direct line of sight NO between the antenna and the receiver.

Source: L-com

Why experiment with millimetric bands if they have problems of attenuation?

In general, experts indicate that the higher the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, the greater the volume of information that can be transmitted, which is one of the main objectives that the 5G is looking for.

And what it is comparatively the tip of the iceberg is that the antennas necessary for the transmission of these types of signals is much smaller and therefore greatly reduces the costs .

For example, let us remember the wave that is commonly known:

Type of wave Frequencies
AM Radio waves 540 – 1600 x 10 3 Hz
FM radio waves 88.1 – 108.1 x 10 6 Hz
Television 10 – 300 x 10 6 Hz
LTE 700 – 2100 x 10 6 Hz [19659068] Microwave 300 × 10 6 – 400 x 10 9 Hz
Infrared 300 × 10 9 – 400 x 10 12 Hz
Visible Light (Optical Fibers) 430 – 770 x 10 12 Hz

Let's Make an Association When You Listen to an AM Radio, So General is heard with low quality and mono, when you listen to FM radio, you will realize that there will be better sound quality and that you listen in stereo .

Moreover, now as far as distances are concerned. If you are one of those who often travel in your car from one city to another, you will find that it is only when leaving the city that you will lose the signal from your transmitter Favorite FM, and of course, it remains only to change the dial . In return, if you tune in an AM radio, you can listen to it for many more miles.

As you can see, increasing the frequency improves the sound quality, but decreases the distance

Moreover, as you can see in the table, LTE ( 4G), it has more frequency than the TV, that is why you can move a large volume of data in a very short time and, in the case of optical fiber, the frequencies are extremely high This is why they are moving brutal information volumes

Tell us if you are interested in continuing to solve these problems.

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