EstiloDF »They create a monumental artificial waterfall on the facade of a skyscraper in China


Creates a Monumental Artificial Waterfall on the Facade of a Skyscraper in China

By: Pamela Farlom

/ Tuesday, July 24, 2018

  Photo: Youtube

Photo: Youtube

] Liebian offices, located in Guiyang City, southwest China, an artificial waterfall 108 meters high that falls on one of its facades was built.

During the development of this incredible project, the engineers had this solved several problems, among which the noise produced by the current, as well as the damage that the fall of several tons of water could cause to the deposit and the coating around the building. And it is that four pumps raise the water from the base to the top of the waterfall

This unusual creation should become a new tourist attraction not only national but also international . However, critics are not exempt, since some people have expressed concern about wasting and wasting water.

What do you think of this waterfall created by the man?

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