EU-China trade war will be a difficult test for the Pacific Alliance • Forbes Mexico


A trade war between the United States and China will impact and test the Pacific Alliance, which is the region's most important trading bloc, warned today the House of Commons director. Colombo Americana Trade (AmCham), Maria Claudia Lacouture

Latin America will suffer the short-term impact of a trade war because "international mistrust and the spiral of retaliation must reduce productive momentum global and, therefore, consumption of raw materials and reduced purchases of our products, "he explained to Notimex

The former Minister of Foreign Trade also added that a war "leaves only losers at different levels. One of the major impacts will be on countries integrated into global value chains, given that it can lead to a slowdown in the economy and thus a contraction in trade. "

In addition, it would be" the highest cost that will represent the export. China's United States goods and supplies for manufacturing, which will generate that they are looking for new markets to place their products. "

" The same will of Mexico to the restrictions imposed by the administration of President Donald Trump and the uncertainty that Lacouture

All this "puts international competitiveness and productivity to the test because of the large number of products that will go looking for markets. " ,

In this scenario, the Pacific Alliance, which includes Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Chile, "has turned out to be an example of a new diplomacy in which the The agility of the procedures prevails and the achievement of results apart from the special interests and institutional formality. "

In this sense, the Alliance" has the opportunity to lead what is ". one could call the "Road of the Americas" as the "new silk route" that China promotes to conquer the world. "

In America, with the United States included," we can develop an alternative path that go beyond trade, encourage the development of nations, "said the director of the Colombian-American Chamber.

She insisted that "from the Pacific Alliance to Latin America, a positive turning point in relations with the United States The US trade diplomacy operates continuously according to their interests and we can not sit idly by or with isolated efforts in a seperave that can "

The New International Trade Context" is a setback in the years of free trade.In view of the restrictions that have been imposed, the Current trade agreements and integration processes such as the Pacific Alliance will be subject to a severe test because, in times of difficulty, its strength and potential are put to the test. "[19659002ThePacifichas"withthesetwovirtueswhichiswhymorethan52countriesareobserversandprogressisbeingmadeinthetradeintegrationofNewZealandCanadaAustraliaandSingapore"

Regarding the Future of the Alliance Mexico and Colombia recalled that with other changes within the executive branches in Chile and Peru, for example, this mechanism of integration remained firm.

"They have been significant changes in political design, but far from being a hindrance.a dynamic factor.It must be the same now that there will be changes of government in Mexico and in Colombia and the private sector, we must promote political dialogue and work to strengthen the Alliance. "

" The Pacific Alliance is resolutely moving towards the goals that have been set in commercial and commercial domains, cooperation, education and development Regardless of the political differences between countries, the Alliance and its continuity represent advantages for its inhabitants. "

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, is the site of the 13th century Pacific Alliance Summit which takes place every year in the country. He has the pro tempore chair of the mechanism.

This edition will evaluate the progress made by the bloc in the mandates established by the four presidents at the June 2017 summit in Cali, Colombia, as well as the challenges and goals towards the year 2030.

On Monday, the 23 presidents Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia), Martín Alberto Vizcarra (Peru), and Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico) will attend the closing of the V Business Meeting of the Pacific Alliance [19659002] The Alliance Heads of State will begin their activities Tuesday at a meeting with the Presidents and representatives of the countries that make up Mercosur, dialogue on the evolution of the mechanism and future challenges.

The summit will end with the signing of the Puerto Vallarta Declaration by the presidents, as well as a message to the media to report on the results of the XIII Summit. 19659021] [ad_2]
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