EU pacts for migrants; quota system between countries


  EU accepted by migrants; quota system between countries

African migrants arrive at the port of Tarifa, Spain, after being rescued in the Strait of Gibraltar; Meanwhile, the European Union has agreed to establish voluntary shelters for asylum seekers.

The 28 member countries of the European Union (EU) agreed at their summit in Brussels to voluntarily establish closed shelters for rescued migrants from the sea, and to explore the possibility to open refugee centers on the outside. Europe

The reception centers of the block will open in countries that agree to do so voluntarily. But no European country wanted to host migrant centers on its territory and some, like France and Italy, have already rejected it.

From these centers, migrants will be redistributed to countries that voluntarily accept them. 19659005] EU members also suggest that there are shelters in the countries of North Africa. However, up to now, the nations concerned have rejected it

Therefore, the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, has asked for caution, anticipating that problems will arise in the implementation of l & # 39; agreement. "It's still too early to talk about success," he said.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini estimated that "70% of what was requested" had been achieved. the words "up to verify" the specific commitments "and, most importantly," the facts ".

While the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, appreciated Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia , who opposed the mandatory distribution of refugee quotas between countries, agreed to be "more favorable."

Spain agreed with Germany to to welcome again the migrants who arrive in Germany, but who have already been registered on their territory, in exchange for a help Berlin to face the migratory phenomenon in the Mediterranean country.

In addition, the carrier German Chancellor Angela Merkel's speech, Steffen Seibert, explained that Spain and Greece are willing to readmit the sun asylum seekers who will be detained at the Austrian-German border in the future , if they are detected by the database of emp reinforce Eurodac as citizens previously registered in the two Mediterranean countries.

Greece has many stranded migrants whose parents are in Germany

Merkel promised this type of agreements in the EU to convince her Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, give up on his plan to prevent the entry of any asylum seeker. 19659011] The European Union has indicated that of the additional € 3 billion allocated to the migration agreement with Turkey, two billion will come from the Community budget and the remaining one thousand will come from the Member States according to the their income.

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