EU reinstates sanctions against Iran and threatens to take further action


WASHINGTON / DUBAI – The United States reinstated Monday sanctions against Iran's oil, banking and transportation sectors and threatened to take further steps to end its "illegal" policy ", actions described by the Islamic Republic of Iran. economic war and promise of protest.

These measures are part of efforts by US President Donald Trump to put a stop to Tehran's nuclear and missile programs and to reduce the country's influence in the Middle East, particularly its support. to the powers in Syria, Yemen and Lebanon.

The sanctions evoke Iran's main source of revenue, its oil exports and its financial sector, leaving essentially 50 Iranian banks and their subsidiaries out of reach. foreigners, resulting in their loss of access to the US banking system.

Lee: US sanctions Iranian banks, oil companies and ships

The reinstatement of sanctions was triggered by Trump's decision on May 8, Abandon the 2015 nuclear deal, negotiated with five other powers. during the government of former Democratic President Barack Obama. This pact had eliminated many US sanctions and other economic sanctions in exchange for Iran's commitment to reduce its nuclear program.

Trump denounced the agreement on the temporal limitation of certain nuclear activities of Iran, as well as for not having dealt with other problems. The United States does not like it.

By renouncing the pact and reimposing the sanctions it had lifted, in addition to adding new ones, the United States is betting that economic pressure will force Iran to change its behavior. and to make a new, much more restrictive agreement.

"The Iranian regime has a choice: it can turn around its illegal plan of action and act like a normal country, or you can see how much its economy collapses", said the Iranian secretary of state. "We hope that a new agreement with Iran will be possible," said Mike Pompeo, an American journalist, to reporters.

"Rest badured that Iran will never succeed in getting a nuclear weapon under President Trump."

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Hours earlier, Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani had declared that Iran would continue to sell its oil, despite the "economic war" from Washington. "Today, the enemy is targeting our economy (…) The main objective of the sanctions is our people."

"The United States wanted to reduce Iran's oil sales to zero (…) but we will continue." sell our oil (…) to break the sanctions, "the Iranian president told economists at a meeting broadcast live on state television.

" Harbadment "

Some Analysts doubt that Iran is submitting to US pressure, at least in the short term. "The increasing pressure on Iran will not change the regime's behavior in the short term," said Dennis Ross , a former US official working for the Near East Policy Institute in Washington.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, He added that the "harbadment" of the United States was against -productive, as it further isolated Washington, referring to other world powers opposed to the initiative.

The other powers having signed the 2015 nuclear agreement – Great Britain, China and France ., Germany and Russia – have declbadified they would remain true to their commitment.

The sanctions are aimed in part at forcing Iran's main customers to stop buying their oil . However, the United States granted temporary exemptions to eight importers: China, India, Greece, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey and South Korea.

Trump said he wants to gradually impose sanctions on Iranian oil. its impact on the energy markets and the possibility of a rebound in world prices.

Read: The EU eliminates the 1955 Treaty of Friendship with Iran

The European Union (EU), which continues to support the 2015 nuclear agreement, expressed its rejection of the imposition of new sanctions, while China, a large oil buyer around the world regretted this measure.

The sanctions also affect 50 Iranian banks and their subsidiaries, more than 200 pbadengers and naval vessels, as well as Tehran's national airline, Iran Air, according to the newspaper. the Treasury declaration. Washington added that it had tightened sanctions against some 300 entities or individuals and subsidiaries of Iranian companies.

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