European leaders find it difficult to execute an urgent but criticized immigration agreement


The picture was taken by the media and social networks. A group of devastated rescuers holds three babies in their arms, drowned after a boat with about 100 migrants sank near the coast of Libya; the last tragedy of the Mediterranean

The photo shows the urgency of a common policy between the countries of the European Union (EU) to face the migratory problem, at the same time as their leaders finalize the details of an agreement that "It is too early to talk about success", acknowledged the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, at the end of a two-day summit between the 28 representatives of the bloc Against the clock, European leaders managed to reach an agreement that, in principle, seemed to make both countries more open to migration and those who demanded that it be limited. as much as possible German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who faces enormous internal pressure on the issue of immigration, seems particularly satisfied.

But, say the experts, the pact – whose greatest success is to recognize that the migration problem must be faced. – The voluntary creation of migrant centers on European soil, one of the main proposals of the agreement, was celebrated as a victory, but yesterday the Czech Republic and Austria declared that They would not accept the creation of its territory, a few hours after the French President, Emmanuel Macron, celebrated that these countries had agreed to be "more supportive".

"Why should we create these centers, the facilities will have to be outside of Europe? Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis. "Hungra does not become a country of migrants," reacted Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, one of the most fervent opponents of the reception of refugees.

With the current regulations, the country where the first ones arrive "If you look below the surface, the problems are obvious, it is difficult to see how they can implement a voluntary program, have centers within the EU could be a breakthrough, but migrants are responsible for their registration. You need the cooperation of all, that is why they have not mentioned the quota of refugees, everything will have collapsed! ", Said to" El Mercurio "Andrew Geddes, director of the Migration Policy Center

Austria and the Visegrad group -Poland, Hungra, Czech Republic and Slovakia – prefer that centers be created in the countries of origin. This idea was also mentioned in the agreement, but without details, and it is believed that Egypt, Niger, Libya and Morocco could be options. rejected the idea and the International Organization for Migration also said it would prefer that the facilities be in Europe.

"The conclusions of the summit are a patch that tries to show a united front But they have little substance, the main problem is not the newcomers, who are largely under control, but the integration of migrants already arrived on the mainland, "said Nando Sigona, immigration expert at the University of Birmingham.

The most concrete agreements were concluded between Germany, Greece and Italy. Berln promised to help them, even with economic funds, to protect their borders and manage migration, in exchange for welcoming migrants who initially enrolled in these Mediterranean countries, but who have followed their path towards EU's first economy

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Disputes over the issue of migration have increased within the EU because of the 'Aquarius' crisis, the ship with migrants on board who landed in Spain after the refusal of Malta and Italy welcomes

The Italian populist government demanded greater solidarity from its European partners, while closing the doors to migrants. "Italy is no longer alone," said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who said he was satisfied with "80%" of the agreement reached; A few hours later, his Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, announced the closure of the country's ports during the summer (boreal) to NGOs that help migrants. "They will only see Italy on postcards," he said.

Humanitarian agencies came out yesterday to criticize the pact that threatens the tens of thousands of people who are desperately trying to escape violence in their respective countries. ] Karline Kleijer, Chief of Emergency of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), "the only elements on which countries seem to be agreed are the blockade of people at the gates of Europe (. ..) and the demonization "of those who help the migrants. "The EU condemns vulnerable people to remain trapped in Libya or die at sea," he said emphatically. MSF has criticized the idea of ​​creating European centers in the outgoing pbades – defended by Italy – claiming that they will become "detention centers", since the vast majority of people who undertake the Northward travel are not refugees, but economic migrants, and will not qualify for asylum.

Conflicts between Italy and NGOs have become habitual. It is precisely a call from Rome that prevented a Spanish rescue boat from boarding the ship with about 100 migrants who sank yesterday, said the NGO Proactiva Open Arms. It is feared that most of them have not survived.

"The problem is that there will be no one to see it, to testify it and to denounce it, that's what will happen," said Oscar Camps, founder of the company. Organization

is the total number of migrants who arrived in Europe by sea this year, according to figures from the International Organization for Migration

] ports will be closed all summer (boreal) NGOs will only see Italy on postcards. "
Matteo Salvini,

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