European stock markets close higher after resolving the political crisis in Germany


  Milan Borsa Stock Exchange

The Madrid Stock Exchange, once Germany has ended its political crisis due to migration, has recovered some of the land lost the day before, and closed the day Tuesday with a revaluation of 1.07%, which allowed him to exceed more than 9,600 points.

A level that has nevertheless been difficult to recover, investors still hesitant to take short-term positions before the imminent start. On Friday, the first tariffs imposed by the United States on the importation of Chinese products come into force, and the fear of the consequences that this may have is felt in some Asian places. Hong Kong, which fell more than 1%, or Tokyo, although positive, was penalized by this negative trend and finally closed.

Pessimism spread in Asia despite the fact that the People's Bank of China ensured that the yuan remained stable and at a balanced and reasonable level.

China also asked the United States not to speculate with Chinese companies or to block them on their territory. refusing to China Mobile permission to operate in the country.

Even though the tariff dispute remains in the background, the European markets have reacted to the rise in the agreement reached by the coalition government of Germany, which is coming to an end. to the crisis of the executive that was initiated by the migration problem.

Through the aforementioned agreement, the euro rose to 1,165 dollars

In addition, past the fear of a likely rupture of the government pact that Angela directs Merkel, the markets of the Old Continent turned upwards; Paris gained 0.76%; Milan, 1.57%; Frankfurt, 0.91% and London 0.60%

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In the case of Spain, the main indicator also celebrated this news, and during the day he arrived to touch 9 700 points.

In the Spanish prosecutor's office also hailed the figure of unemployment in Spain, which declined by 89,968 people in June, and consumer confidence, which rose by almost ten points in June for the best badessment that the Spaniards have the current economic and work situation for the next six months.

Within IBEX 35, all major stocks have closed; Telefonica (MC: TEF) gained 2.18%; Iberdrola (MC: BIE), 2.08%; BBVA (MC: BBVA), 1.24%; Santander (MC: SAN), 1.10%; Repsol (MC: REP), 1.08% and Inditex (MC: ITX), 1.06%.

Against this backdrop of optimism, Wall Street opened a day that will be shorter than usual this Wednesday in the United States.

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