everything is on the table for Nicaragua


Washington / Managua.- While the United States badyzed "all options" in the search for a solution to the crisis in Nicaragua, thousands of Daniel Ortega's supporters yesterday commemorated the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution in Managua. Presence of the president, whose government has cracked down on demonstrations that demanded his release from power in the past three months and that have left more than 350 dead, according to NGOs, and 277, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. man (IACHR).

"We can not specifically discuss sanctions measures now, but I can say that all actions are on the table," said Todd Robinson, counselor for Central American affairs at the US State Department, when of a telephone press conference.

However, Robinson avoided specifying what concrete actions are badyzed.

Up to now, the United States has revoked twenty of It also insisted that the only "way to peace in Nicaragua" remains the call for "free, early elections , fair and transparent ".

Robinson insisted that the only way to peace is early, free, fair and transparent convocation. that is, an advance of the presidential elections which should take place every five years and are scheduled for 2021.

"We will continue to work with the international community to try to resolve this crisis and stop the violence. "" The most important thing is that those responsible for the violence must respond to the international community for their actions, "he said, and he also drew parallels with the situation in Venezuela. ironic and cynical that on the occasion of the anniversary of the fall of Somoza, the Ortega regime crushes its own people as President Maduro does in Venezuela, "he said [19659002] "They have in mind this idea their countries must pay them to stay in power and it is disastrous. "

" The only and the best way to achieve lasting peace is to hold early, free, fair and transparent elections, "he said.In Nicaragua, thousands of Ortega's loyalists "We are here to support Ortega and the compañera Rosario Murillo [primera dama y vicepresidenta]," spokesman Ortega told reporters in the Plaza de la Fe, celebrating the country's revolution. came to the square organized in blocks and shouting the slogan: "Daniel remains!", That the opposition remember the "Do not leave, you stay!" Somocistas before the fall of the dictator, July 19, 1979. The atmosphere of the square was enlivened by revolutionary songs and claimed the figure of Ortega.

The commemoration takes place two days after the government took control of the rebellious town of Masaya, the last fief controlled by your opponents, in Masaya, whose The locals used to travel by caravan to Managua on July 19, the families returned home, while the paramilitaries who occupied the city danced to the sound of Sandinista music

. "Golpistas" to the bishops of the Bishops' Conference of Nicaragua and designated them as accomplices of internal and external forces in an attempt to overthrow him. The Episcopal Conference, mediator and witness of the national dialogue to face this crisis, proposed to Ortega to advance the general elections of March 31, 2019, without being able to represent him.

Ortega revealed that when the bishops did this proposal, on June 7, was "surprised" and when he received the document, which, in addition to advancing the elections, provides for the restructuring of the state , said: "They are engaged in the coup".

Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela said the Ortega government defeated a "terrorist and coup" plan.

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