Evo Morales meets The Hague team for Silala


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, met in Rome with the International Technical Team of The Hague as part of the preparation of the response to the Chilean request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for rights on Silala

"We are in the last stage to finalize the details of the counter-memory," said the president.

#BTVInforma | The President @ evoespueblo from Rome, "With the international technical team on the Silala issue, as we are still in the last stage to finalize the details of the counter-memory."
Inf Ylse Bakovic pic.twitter.com/Ofz8xqOEiK

– Bolivian Official TV (@Cbad_BoliviaTV) 29 June 2018

#BTVInforma | The President @evoespueblo of Rome, "A meeting with the national legal team, Brother Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé, our ambbadador to Holland and agent in The Hague, Diremar, Chancellor, Héctor Arce and some technicians". pic.twitter .com / KYWkGS6lMd

– Bolivian Official TV (@Cbad_BoliviaTV) 29 June 2018

The Counter-Memorial must be submitted until September.

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