Evo Morales proposed to the pope a Latin American episcopal meeting in Bolivia


Bolivian President Evo Morales proposed to Pope Francis to hold a meeting of Latin American Bishops' Conferences in Bolivia to address the issue of migration.

"This possibility has been managed and it is very likely that in the coming years or months we will have this meeting of the Bishops' Conferences of Latin America in Bolivia," said the Minister of Justice, Héctor Arce .

The rightholder He noted that the theme that will be discussed at the meeting is "universal citizenship", migration and all issues around the " ] respect for human beings to seek a better life without having to be persecuted. "

Morales traveled this week to Rome for to attend the ordination of the new Bolivian Cardinal Toribio Ticona ] and also met with Pope Francisco for half an hour.

"S We have raised this event which will be of great importance in our country and which, obviously, will put us at the forefront of the struggle for the human rights "remarked Arce.

In addition, he reported that during the meeting between Morales and Pope Francis, there was talk of the possibility of renewal of a concordat between the Vatican and Bolivia a document that reaffirms the country's ties with the Holy See

"Hopefully in the coming months we will have a new document that reaffirms the commitment of Bolivia as a lay state but with a commitment to one of the predominant churches in the world as the Catholic Church ", said the minister

Bolivia declared itself a secular state in the Political Constitution promulgated by Morales in 2009 ].

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