Evo recalls that 114 years ago, Chile imposed by force of arms the treaty of 1904 – eju.tv


The Bolivian President noted that the International Court of Justice had stated that the treaty did not resolve the maritime issue and had to be resolved through dialogue.


The President Evo Morales. Photo: ABI.

La Paz, October 20 (ANF) .- President Evo Morales recalled on his Twitter account that 114 years ago, Chile imposed by force of treaty of 1904 the treaty of 1904 after the invasion of the port. of Antofagasta in 1879 and that the pact did not solve the sovereign access to the sea.

"As today, 114 years ago, Chile imposed by force of the treaty From 1904 the Treaty of 1904 after invading the Bolivian port of Antofagasta The ICJ decided that this treaty did not settle the question of our sovereign access to the sea and that it had to be resolved through dialogue. "

The Bolivian and Chilean authorities signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship on October 20, 1904. It is badumed that by this pact ended the state of war between the two countries after the war in the Pacific in 1879.

In the pact "they are recognized of absolute and perpetual dominion of Chile the territories that it occupied under the article 2 of the Truce Pact of April 4, 1884. "Bolivia maintains that the treaty has not solved its maritime isolation and that there is therefore a p problem that is not resolved.

Bolivia sued Chile in the International Court of Justice for a sovereign exit into the Pacific Ocean on October 1 of this year. , the court said the neighboring country was not obliged to negotiate sovereign access, but said at the end of his opinion that the two countries can continue to dialogue.

Morales believes that the highest court of the United Nations has left for the two countries to continue to negotiate because no problem of maritime sovereignty has been resolved.

However, Chile made it clear that a dialogue could be established, but that sovereign access to the sea was closed by a decision of the ICJ.

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