Evo recognizes the Unasur crisis and the Chancellor speaks of the revision of the principles


Since Bolivia badumed the pro tempore presidency of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) on April 17, the Bolivian authorities have acknowledged, for the first time, that the agency "is in crisis". This was confirmed by the President of the State, Evo Morales, after the formal meeting that he held with Mario Abdo Benitez, elected President of Paraguay. In turn, Foreign Minister Fernando Huanacuni advanced the revision of the principles of the consultation mechanism.


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"We have made a small badessment on the integration process like Unasur, the Celac.I am sorry to tell you that Unasur is in crisis," said the head of the company. Bolivian state at a joint press conference with the elected President of Paraguay

After the rotating presidency of the bloc, formed in 2008, six of the country's largest members, including Paraguay, decided to suspend their participation in UNASUR for an indefinite period.

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay informed Foreign Minister Huanacuni of his non-participation. "We are in agreement to strengthen (Unasur), I personally want the integration of some continents like Europe, such as Africa, Asia and we have to having the ability to move forward in these systems of integration, we have taken important steps, "he added. Morales without deepening the question and anticipating that the dialogue will be sought with the presidents of the countries that decided to suspend its participation

Revision of Principles

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fernando Huanacuni, in contact with a radio media mentioned that the meeting addressed the issues of multilateralism, since, As nations of a region, you must have your own identity.

He explained that because of the mechanisms of integration in this global world, small countries need markets for their products.

He added that Latin America must also have internal cooperation, as important as Unasur members among us. "

" The intention was expressed to re-examine the principles in order to make possible important aspects of the physical regional integration that Unasur needs, always keeping the principles of fundamental sovereignty, non-interference, continue to work in this perspective, "he said.


In the context of the crisis is the fact that the post of Secretary General of Unasur, is vacant since the end of his administration the former president of Colombia Ernesto Samper Pizano.

The reason for achalasia, according to the researchers, is that, although the countries of moderate or liberal governments are in the majority now, Venezuela and Bolivia have blocked the nomination of any candidate of this line.

They point out that Venezuela and other countries control Unasur since its inception and for They have managed to appoint a secretary s General of their political line. First, former Argentine President Néstor Kirchner and then Colombian Foreign Minister María Emma Mejía, former Minister Chavez Alí Rodríguez and later Samper took power.

Diplomatic sources said Venezuela had vetoed Argentina's bid. José Octavio Bordón (current ambbadador to Santiago), while the Bolivian Chancellor, Fernando Huanacuni, accused Argentina, which preceded it, to leave "the pending issues".

Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero also said last April that Unasur "does not lead to anything, does not help integration and is not able to solve the problems ".

Paraguay's elected president, Mario Abdo Benítez, has pledged his support for Bolivia's full access to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), a bloc that also includes Argentina, Brazil, the United States and Brazil. Uruguay and Venezuela (

"We have approved at the Paraguayan Congress the entry of Bolivia into Mercosur.I have undertaken to make the appropriate arrangements and to make the predisposition for Bolivia to become a full member ", he said at the end of a meeting with President Evo Morales at the Government Palace in La Paz., e, v, n, t, s)
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