Evo: We will regain political power for the people | news


The Latin American left is going through a "dead end", but will again have political power in favor of the peoples of Latin America, said Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday.

verified by Twitter Morales recalled the "important moments" in which Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brazil, ruled simultaneously; Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández in Argentina; Rafael Correa in Ecuador; and Hugo Chávez in Venezuela

"However, the revolution is stagnant, we do not lose hope, we will regain political power for the peoples of Latin America," badured the Head of State.

He made this comment after the inauguration of the XV Latin American Congress of Social Medicine and Collective Health organized by the Latin American Association of Social Medicine (Alames) in La Paz (capital).

"For Capitalism for Imperialism is a commodity and for the peoples of the world, health is a human right," said Morales in his speech at the Casa Great del Pueblo, evoked by the state agency ABI .

>> Evo accuses the United States of treating migrants as criminals

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