Excessive abuse of this drug "rotten" her throat


United States.- The abuse of the drug use for many years had its serious consequences, as a man died of a way

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A 50-year-old man died at Abington Hospital, located at Pennsylvania . According to the New York Post, the deceased arrived at the emergency room because he did not stop vomiting blood, after which, after doing so many times, he eventually lost consciousness.

Illustrative image. Photo: Pixabay

Witnesses at the hospital indicated that the man had arrived "in distress, lethargic and pale". He was accompanied by a friend, who said that he had been taking cocaine for years, taking 5 times a day, had problems with fatty liver and heart.

The doctors were surprised when they examined it; found that the patient's throat was almost entirely black, was diagnosed with acute oesophageal necrosis and noted that he had rotting parts in the throat

Unfortunately, the man had the medical record was announced by the British Medical Journal and according to a disease badociated with the use of cocaine.

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