Excessive consumption of treats, terror of children


A professor from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the ETUC University warns about the occurrence of caries, osmotic symptoms and the principles of obesity caused by excessive consumption of sugars.

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Although it is common that the superheroes of the Justice League and other heroines disguised as princesses, fairies and villains descend on the streets to feast on the October 31 celebrations in Colombia, its superpowers will not be enough to fight against diseases such as cavities or stomach ailments.

To avoid a night of "terror" to parents of children who will seek their gourmet reward, nutritionist Dietitian Nelly Castillejo Padilla, a professor at CES University, says that the consumption of large quantities of sweets is harmful for children, because they digest They do not yet tolerate certain amounts of additives they might have, including processed foods containing large amounts of sugar, dyes.

"The digestive tract is affected by excessive consumption of sweets.The digestive tract starts in the mouth, and then the child's oral health may already be compromised because it is known that the consumption of sugars is badociated with tooth decay, then a problem starts and the intestine can generate what we call osmotic activity, that is, diarrhea with abdominal pain, "said Nelly Castillejo, a professor at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science at CES University.

But it is not only the appearance of diseases such as decay or osmotic symptoms in children. The nutritionist Castillejo Padilla goes beyond the attention of minors and draws attention to the consumption of sugary processed foods that could lead to overweight in infants.

"Overweight and childhood obesity increase in Colombia and consumption of sugars and sugars are directly related to caloric intake and weight, so the consumption of sweets also leads to Risk of excess weight, with children with the disease, we must have much more moderation and control, "he added.


According to the professor of the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University, for celebrations such as Halloween night, the number of pediatric consultations in Colombia increases because some adolescents arrive at health centers with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.

Although the consumption of food such as sweets or sweets has effects In the digestive system, depending on the age, weight and size of children, it is recommended to consume a portion of sugary foods the day.

"In general, what is recommended by the World Health Organization Health is to consume one or two sugars maximum a day, because in addition to the consumption of sweets, it can replace the consumption of 39; other foods that are really nutritious and do not cause these disorders ", conc. the specialist

experts also recommend consulting the doctor in case of serious health complications.

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