Excuses and Damage Reparations Require Inmates by Jungle Command


Last Monday, the Jungle Command Carabinieri conducted an operation in the community Coñoemil Epuleo, in the municipality of Ercilla, as part of the homicide of the landowner of 78 years, José Antonio Paredes Hermosilla

. arrested Juan Catril and his two sons, Christopher Catril (20 years old) and Eduardo Catril (16 years old), who denied participation in the crime.

And after being released, after three days and without being formalized, this Thursday They submitted a letter to the President of the Republic in the Intendance, denouncing the violent involvement of the so-called Jungle Command and, incidentally, demanded apologies, repairing their homes and supporting the damage caused.

"We ask the corresponding excuses of the prosecutors and the repair of the house as they violently entered the Jungle Command and destroyed the house," he told Radio Bío Bío [19659005]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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