Exercises to delay aging after the age of 30: Your doctor


Exercise contributes to slower and healthier aging.

From the age of 30, the body begins to have a natural decline in muscle strength and in the bones, so it is essential to start to exercise but what are the best exercises for delay aging of 30? So we tell you.

Exercise does not only help us to be thin, it also prevents cardiovascular disease but starting at age 30, you should start practicing a specific type of exercise to age better. 19659003] We talk about exercises to strengthen muscles and bones, as well as to improve balance.

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Exercises to delay aging

A report from Health Agency of England in collaboration with the Center for Better Aging describes these exercises as the forgotten guide to health.

This report emphasizes that these exercises are excellent for adult health because they help to delay aging. To get the results should be practiced at least twice a week in addition to other aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking.

 Delaying Aging

"All adults should try to do balancing and strengthening activities twice a week, says Dr. Alison Tedstone Director of the Diet Department, from obesity and physical activity to Public Health England.

"On average we all live longer and this mix of physical activity will help us to be well in our youth and stay independent in aging, "adds the specialist.

Importance of strengthening muscles, bones and balance

According to health experts, bone and muscle mbad reaches its highest point before reaching 30 and from this age, begins a natural decline.

Between 18 and 30 years, it is important also eliminate these exercises, because it strengthens the strength of muscles and bones.

For 30 years and up to At age 60, the exercises for renf straightening muscles, bones and balance maintain this strength and slow down the heartbeat. natural decline, that is, help delay aging.

Thus, when he reaches 65 years, the strength of the body will be preserved, which contributes to a completely independent and healthy aging.


In addition, exercises beginning at age 30 can also improve future outcomes at key times in our lives, such as pregnancy menopause diagnosis of illness, retirement or recovery after surgery.

As if that were not enough, exercises to strengthen muscles, bones and balance, improve mood, help better sleep and increase living standards. eles of energy. The risk of premature death is also greatly reduced.

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How to do exercises to delay aging?

The report mentioned above emphasizes that the best exercises to delay aging are:

Resistance exercises, such as lifting weights or using one's own body weight

] Snowshoeing games, such as tennis or ping pong


Games with ball

Walking or Nordic walking with canes

In addition, experts claim that other activities such as yoga or the Tai Chi are excellent for bones, muscles and balance.

The strengthening of these parts of the body can prevent falls that cause up to 95% of hip fractures in the elderly.

Conversely, not fortifying the muscles entails a risk of falling by 75% and for those who have already suffered, triples the chances of falling again.

Start today to strengthen read your body! Your future self will be grateful to you.

>> You may be interested: 4 exercises that reduce the effects of age

(With information from the BBC)


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