Experts agree that the excessive use of antibiotics in salmon threatens human health


The International Seminar "Salmon Aquaculture and Antibiotics: Risks to Human Health" was organized by the Oceana Foundation amidst the many environmental events that the salmon industry has witnessed in Chile. It has been pointed out that the use The excess of these substances in salmon helps to increase the resistance of bacteria.

The Director of the Strategic Program of Global Network Re-Act (Action on Antibiotic Resistance), Dr. Anthony So, said that 700 Thousands of people are dying of antibiotic-resistant infections and d & # s By 2050, this number is expected to reach more than 10 million people, even exceeding the number of deaths from cancer and becoming the leading cause of death.

The expert explained how the animal industry can transmit bacteria resistant to humans, considering that more than 70% of the antimicrobials used in the world are intended for veterinary use.

"In Chile, the salmon industry is the most widely used antibiotic, so investing in science and innovation to understand the phenomenon of bacterial resistance generated by veterinary use is paramount," Liesbeth said. van der Meer, executive director of Oceana Chile.

"In the case of salmon farming, bacterial resistance remains in the fjords of Chile and can then spread and live or work near salmon farms, it is therefore urgent to take measures to reduce the use of antibiotics, "he added.

According to data from the comparative experience, Dr. Brit Hjeltnes, of the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, He explained how this country, the world's largest salmon producer, had managed to reduce practically the use of antibiotics to zero by a first decrease in production unlike the reality of Chile, where the high use of antibiotics is one of the main problems of the industry.

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